Monday, October 3, 2022

The dream

 I had a strange dream last night.  First I want to say that no one in my dream had names.  I was about twenty years old, a little girl about the ages between 6-8 years old.  We were riding on the tailgate Of the pickup while out checking the cows.  Everyone else was sitting on the side of the truck talking ( except those in the cab).  The truck hits a rock and the girl falls off the tailgate.  I jump off rolling on the ground a little,  then get up and walk to where the girl is lying.   The truck just moves on like nothing happened.

   Whe I reach the little one.  I see that she had hit her head on a rock and was knocked out.  I take the rag out of my pocket,  form it into a bandana,  and tied it around her head.  To hopefully stop the bleeding.   Then sit down.  I tale the girl, pull her arms under mine and fasten them with a bungee cord.  Using my walking stick, I slowly get up.  Once up I fix two bungee cords together,  and scure them around both our waists.  Then pull her legs in front, and fasten them with a bungee cord just for good measure.  Then we start walking back to the house.

   About halfway to the house, her father meets us.  Instead of seeing his child safe, he starts Accusing me of all shorts of evils, the least of which pushing his daughter off the tailgate.   The girl and I walk on, while he keeps Accusing me.

     Back at the house, the father stays outside.  I that the girl into the living room,  where her mother is sitting in a chair.  I undo the bungee cords and hand the girl to her mom.  Then I tell her everything that had happened,  including her husband's comments toward me.  The ask if I had her permission to beat the crap out of him.  She gave her permission,  I left The house and did just that.  

   That 8s where the dream ended.

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