Wednesday, April 12, 2023

Donut Trek

 My name is Long John and I am the captain of the starship Bakersfield.  Our mission, to seek out new life, to travel life's grand adventure, and to boldly go where no donut has gone before.


  "Captain, "

"Yes Mr. Spudnut"

"Sir the cupcakes are approaching,  and firing their Photon Icing"

"Well Mr. Spudnut, fire the jelly and jam torpedoes"

"Yes Captain"

"Derect hit, but the force has knocked us into a donut hole field,  and they're hitting the ship so hard, we're starting to break up."

"Captain to engin room.  Get us out of here quick."

" Captain this is Eclair down in the engin room, the icing from the cupcakes has clogged our system.  There's nothing that can be done.  Sorry Sir.

As the Starship Bakersfield gets plummeted by donut holes.  The crew braces for the end.

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Space cat

  there was a little cat of the furry sort and he used to dream he was an astronaut climbing in his rocket heading to the stars landing down...