Sunday, October 29, 2023

Baseball and Christianity

 Picture this you are standing on home plate  bat in your hand, the ball coming towards you fast.  You can either do the safe thing and bunt it, or swing with all your might.  Sure you may strike out, but you may hit a homerun. You won't know until you try.  

To many churches out there will stick with what they knoand thus w and stick with what is safe.   However in order to reach the people like Jesus commanded.  All because they are afraid to step outside their comfort zone and try for that home run  Sure they may strike out with some people, however they may hit a home run and reach a soul who really needed it.

Also like a Baseball team.   The church is a community, and thus must work together as a team .  Yes everyone has different ideas, yes everyone has different talents,  yes everyone has a different point of view.   However this is also a strength, a Baseball team is made up of different people who all work in different ways, but have the same goal toward the best for the team as a whole.  Christians need to work in this way.  Different people with different skills, working for the common good of everyone around them

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  Sunflowers in the field Standing tall Standing still Like guards keeping watch Over the farm And it's flock