Monday, October 16, 2023

Humpty dumpty

 Humpty dumpty sat on a wall

Humpty dumpty had a great fall

All yhe king's horses

All the king's men

Couldn't put humpty together again 


We all have our humpty Dumpty moments in out life.  We're on top of the wall, on you of the world.  Carefree and everything seems to be going our way.  Then however we fall off the wall.  Things start hitting us left and right, our personal demons start showing up, and it seems like no matter how much we try to get ahead, we always lag behind.  The king's horses and the king's men, represent the worldly things we try to fix the problem.   Drugs, alchohol, shopping,  eating, therapy,  and the list gose on and on.  But those are all temporary solutions and will soon fade, and you will be back where you started.  Why you ask is this.

God is the only one who can put you back together 

God is yhe only one who can set things right

God is the only one who can put you back on that wall again 

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