Friday, April 6, 2018

Tell it like it is

Tell it like it is
Don't hold back
Yes the truth might hurt
I'd prefer the truth
Over a sugar coated lie

Wild as the wind

I am
Wild as the wind
Nothing to hold me back
Free to go as I please

Free your mind

Free your mind
Stop living in the dark
Enlighten your world

Don't build walls

Don't build up walls around your heart
Don't put up anything that holds us apart
To live without your love
Would be like living in a wasteland
Nothing to comfort me
Nothing to help drive me forward
Upon the desserted roads and alleyways
Ever seaking the love
I know is not there

Don't bulid up walls around your heart
Don't shut me out
I have tried to prove my love tor you
In everyway I know how
Please don't shut me out
Please don't go away
The lonliness is cold
It chills my bones
Knowing I will no longer
Have your love any more

Don't build walls around your heart
Let me remain
Let me forever be a part of your life
I know life has delt you harshly
I want to help
I want to erase the pain
To start a new life together


At the start of spring
The birds begin to sing


Tiger stalks
Tiger pounce
Tiger eat


One by one
The dominoes fall
According to some master plan
The falling dominoes
Setting off a chain reaction

One by one
The dominoes fall
All in a line
Going on until done
Going until the final product is revealled

One by one
The dominoes fall
Life as we know it has finished


Play the drum
Creat the beat
Get the people
Up on their feet

Feel the beat
Within your soul
Move your feet
Like they've never moved before

Unchain my soul

Unchain my soul
Set it free
To drift upon the wind
To drift upon the breaze

Unchain my soul
From the confinds of my human body
So it may reach out
To touch all the other souls around me

You Are My Life

You are the leader of my life
You’re are my eternal savior
You bring joy to my life
I want you to hear me say it
Jesus I will always love you

You were dead
Came back to life again
You are my eternal savior
I will always love you

You have opened Heaven’s door
You are my eternal savior
You make my spirit soar

One Star

One Star
One night
Lit the sky
With Holy light

One night
Changed the world
In a stable
Filled with hay
Is where baby Jesus Lay

One Star
One night
Lit the sky
With Holy light


Snowball fights
Tree decorated
Gifts wrapped
The smell of good food

It's the people
Family and friends
Who trully make this season


Peace to the world
Let us all join in
Brotherhood and friendship

May all the nations of the world
Put away their arms
Destroy their weapons
Be at peace with each other

No more hurting
No more pain
World peace
Lasting peace

No more killing
No moe loss
World peace
Lasting peace

A dream you say
Unless we try
We will never know

Reach Out

Reach out to those in need calm
The fears, dry the tears, comfort
Those who are hurting Reach out
Help in anyway

The Rose

There within my heart grows
A rose
God planted it
The Holy Spirit Strengthens it
Jesus prunes it
There within the garden of my heart grows
A rose


Two souls join as one
Hand in hand upon the stage
Reciting their vows for love
This is their time now
Thr preacher announces their
Joyful union together

Faith (Holy Teaching)

Jesus did not call us to a religion. Jesus called us to faith

Mean what you say (Bible Study)

Matthew 5:33-37

Empty Promises
 “And don’t say anything you don’t mean. This counsel is embedded deep in our traditions. You only make things worse when you lay down a smoke screen of pious talk, saying, ‘I’ll pray for you,’ and never doing it, or saying, ‘God be with you,’ and not meaning it. You don’t make your words true by embellishing them with religious lace. In making your speech sound more religious, it becomes less true. Just say ‘yes’ and ‘no.’ When you manipulate words to get your own way, you go wrong.


Powerful is the
word Love, it can mend the broken
Dry a whole flood of washed tears
Love can lift up the
Lonely, hurt and scorn, depressed
Love is strongest emotion

All For One

All for one
One for all
Bound together
In life's great adventure

Let's build a treehouse

Let's build a treehouse
High up in a tree
Off the ground
Sitting among the leaves

Let's build a treehouse
What fun
What joy
Our own ittle treefort

Let's build a treehouse
You bring the boards
I'll bring the nails
We will need a flag
To let sail

Let's build a treehouse
What fun it will be


Life gives you problem
Rise above and defeat them
Become a better person
Rip through those problems
Tear them to tiny peices
Become all that you can be


The sunrise the promise of a new day

The Waterfall

The waterfall splash
Down upon the rocks below
The mist rises up


Mushrooms grow
Where they will
Good fun hunt


Farming is all I know
Farming is in my blood
Flows through my veins
Like a giant flood

The sun in my face
The wind so cool and sweet
Let’s me feel joy
Even in summer’s heat

The joy of living
Being in the field
Sweating all day
This is a wonderful feel

I'm Not Perfect

I'm not pefect
I make mistakes
I make choices
I'm not pefect
There is nothing
You can say or do
That will change that

Because I live for myself
Not for you
You have no right
Telling me how I should live
You have no right
Telling me you know better than I

You do not walk my path
You do not know my story
You may not think that I am perfect
Fine by me

I am the one who lives this life
Not you
I have made mistakes
I am better for those mistakes
For I have learned from them

I'm not perfect
My life does not fit into the box
You call perfection
My life may not mean much to the world around me
The world can not control me
I do not live to please the world
I live to please myself

I'm not perfect
Stop trying to put me in a little ball
This world calls perfection
It's never going to happen

I am not perfect
Accept that fact
Like me
Hate me
I will not change

Until I die and go to Heaven
Perfection is out of reach
For this man
I strive
I fall short

I'm not perfect
No matter how hard you try
You will not change that

I'm not perfect
I know that
I don't need you
Pointing it out
You laugh
You tunt
You have your fun
At my expense
You don't bother me
I know who I am
My friends like me
For who I am
So you don't like me
I am not changing

I'm not perfect
Don't try to put me in a box
To fill your idea of perfection
I will break the walls of that box
I will prove that
Though I am not perfect
I like me the way I am

I am not perfect
I do not fit the idea of perfection
This world has
I don't care
I may not be perfect
And in a way
I'm perfect like that

I'm not perfect
Accept me
Flaws and all
Accept me

Space cat

  there was a little cat of the furry sort and he used to dream he was an astronaut climbing in his rocket heading to the stars landing down...