Wednesday, April 4, 2018

Don't follow like a bunch of sheep

Don't follow like a bunch of sheep
Strike your own path
Find your own voice
Let the world know who you are

Don't follow like a bunch of sheep
Sound your voice
Sound your call
Let the world hear
What you have to say
Let the world know
Who you are
Speak your mind
Your thoughts
Your feelings
Do not be afraid to be human

Don't follow like a bunch of sheep
Step away from the crowg
Forge your own path
Life is an adventure
Take that adventure
Grow with the challenge

Beat your own path
Explore new and unknown areas
Of the world around you
Of your own abilities
Of your ownpersonality

Don't follow like a bunch of sheep
Be who you were ment to be
Not who everyone tells tou to be
You are your own person
Rise above
Stand on your own two feet
Reach for your best
Never give up

Don't follow like a bunch of sheep
Be a free thinker
Prove you have a mind of your own
Prove that you can use it
Don't let others tell you how to think
Forge your own opinions

Don't follow like a bunch of sheep
Move to the rythum of life
Let your feet move as they will
Even if you are the only one doing so

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