Wednesday, April 4, 2018


Your love
Warms this heart of stone cold ice
As the ice begins to fall
As my blood begins to thaw
Lost feelings begin to form once more
Feelings of
These feelings so true to life
So helpful in such strife
Feelings lost within a ton of snow
Your love has caused them to flow

Your love
Speaks the secrets of life to me
Each little bit a joy in itself
The joy of life
The pain of life
Both become known to me
Not just known however
They are engraved upon
My heart
My mind
My soul
I take that knowledge
I use it to better mankind

Your love
Is the most beautiful thing in the world
It is every man’s desire

Your beauty
Your heart
Your soul
Your mind
there is nothing upon this world
No, within the entire cosmos
That even comes close in comparison

Your love is one of a kind
I am glad you are sharing it with me

Your love inspires the best in me to come forth
With every portion of my being
I strive to give you nothing but my best

Because of your love
I believe I can do anything
Nothing is impossible
All can be accomplished

Your love
Is my light in this dark world
I have no fear
Your love shines upon my path showing me the way

Even in the darkest of gloom
Your love still shines bright as day
I have no fear of being lost
Your love would never let that happen

Your love
Is like the ultimate thrill ride
Ever moment more exciting than the last
I want to ride it forever
For the thrill intoxicates me

Your love
Is so passionate that I fear of being hurt
Though I know that will not happen
Once you started loving me
The whole world opened to me
All it’s knowledge became known to me
The secrets of love itself
Is within my power and control
Not just love
True love in all it’s forms

Love that is selfless
Love that cares nothing of itself
Love that only cares for the needs of others

Love that is pure
Love with no faults, dirt, or dust
Just love with no strings attached

Love that awakens the soul
Love that awakens the spirit
To the joys of life itself
To the joys of all that is around you
All and everything we call life

Your love is unselfish
You pour it out freely to all who ask

I am glad to know you
I am glad to love you
I am glad to share life’s greatest journey with you

Your love
Your passion
Your knowledge
It both thrills me
As well as overwhelms me
It is almost to much for my heart to take
I have never known one who loves so much
I rejoice that love is for me
Yet I wish to share that love with the world
Though I dread they will take you from me
I fear at being alone

Your love
Has opened the mysteries of life
It displays all the joys of the universe
All knowledge
All passion
All forms of being
Join into one

Your love
Means everything to me
Nothing compares to it’s
I lower my eyes
For your love shines so bright
It blinds me to see it

Your love
Is awesome
Truly the best I have ever known
I just want to share it with the world
For I believe the world would benefit from such love

Your love
Is like a gem priceless in measure
A rarity to find and behold
However once I have it
I will not want to let it go or forsake it
For it means that much to me

Your love
Astounds me with the joy and knowledge
You have bestowed these upon me as well as much more
You know my faults
You know my failings
Yet you do not care
You love me for who I am

Your love overwhelms me
It surrounds me upon all sides
There is no escape
That is fine
For your love
Your joy
Your desire
Are my treasure
My hope
My joy
Nothing compares to it

Your love
Hits like lightening
It’s voltage is to much for my
Your love is so strong
Even the storms of life can not harm it

Your love is my hope
Your love is my joy
Your love is my passion
Your love is my everything

Your love is all mine
Yet I wish to share it with the world
So all can feel all the joy and warmth
You have brought into my soul
It is all mine
Yet it is also the world’s

The joy and warmth of your love
Never escapes me
I always have it near
Wherever I go
I call and it presents itself to me
Whenever I am lost
It searches to find me
Whenever I am hurting
Knowing you love me so much
Heals any wound or scar
Your love never leaves
Therefor I am grateful

The universe
The entire cosmos
Plays out before me
I am amazed at the love that pours from within you
It floods my soul

Your love
Is like a warm fire
It warms me just to know you are near
My heart
My soul
My blood
My veins
Will never freeze
For you keep them warm and flowing
You have caused this lifeless shell

You have taught it to care
Your love is to be open and free
So all can enjoy it
As well as learn from it
So all may feel the joy

Your love
Is like none other I have ever known
It is magical
With surprises all the time
Love with a secret none other can know
It is whimsical
It makes me laugh at times
For the joy you have brought me
It is pure
With nothing to hinder it
Or to dilute it’s truth
Nothing can destroy it’s knowledge

Your love is
In short your love is life
Life in good times
Life in bad times

Your love
Is the truest love
Your love
Is the most honest love
Your love
Holds no boundaries

Your love
Is open to all people
Your love holds tight
It shall never let go

Your love is the truth of all existence
The question of life’s start
Is answered within your warm embrace
All answers to all questions
Become known

Nothing is lost from my knowing
As our love grows
You unveil life’s mysteries

You are my closest lover
You are my dearest friend
Without you
I am alone and afraid
Your love keeps me going
In hard times
As well as good times

Your love
Makes my spirit soar through the air
Higher and higher it rises
I fear to land
For I fear your love will be gone
So I just float high above the clouds
Your love is the fuel
Upon which I float

Your love
Is like a vast ocean
The other land I can not see
It is so wide spread
I see no end
Therefore you keep on loving me
You pour your love
Into my empty well until ful and overflowing
I fear drowning within the flood
I now you will not let that happen

Your love magnifies my life
In so many ways you have touched me
I am never alone
For you are always with me
What once was small
Has been enlarged for all to enjoy

Your love
Has lifted me from my down and out stage
Never more will I morn my life
However I will forever rejoice
Within your loving arms and embrace

I love you
I adore you
My life is lost without you

Before I had your love
I was always in the dark
For there was no light
I always feared the nothing
Until your love brought light into my life
I knew nothing of true love
Until you came to me
Wrapped your arms around me
Gave me the biggest hug I had ever known

Your love
Has no restrictions
It is open to all who seek it
May they feel what I feel
Love what I love
Know what I know
May all people know your greatness

With your love
I am never weak
However Knowing how you care
I am lifted above the strife
I am strengthened many times over
Your love has done this

Knowing you love me
I am never hungry
Your love has filled me
I however hunger to share your love with others
So they may know the joy you have brought into my life

Your love
Is for all people
The young
The old
None our left out

Your love
Has healed the suffering
Those in pain no longer feel it
You reach out to the suffering
You reach out to the lonely

So pure
So true
So honest
Your love holds no bounds
Your love has no bonds
It is free as the wind to go as it chooses
I am lucky it chose to come to me

In all the world
In all the hearts
In all the people
Your love chose mine
Yet it belongs to all
For it is a free spirit
My heart cannot truly contain it
Cannot hold it down
Therefore it is free for all
Who see it
Who desire it
May they find it
May they rejoice in it’s fulness

Your love is intoxicating
I am giddy with it’s goodness
There is nothing better than your love
I want more
I can’t get enough
I will always desire your love

Your love is the rose
Among this field of thorns
Your love has taken root within my heart
Your love has blossomed within my soul
It’s blooms are the most beautiful ever known
If your rose should whither and die
I to shall whither and die
For without your love
My life has no meaning

Your love is amazing
Truly one of a kind
Hands down it is the best

I say it is amazing
For every part of it surrounds me and pulls me in
There is no escape
There is no hiding
There is no running away
Your love reach into the very depths of my soul
To dispel all darkness and other crud
To let your light shine through to my heart
Where it will grow
It will never wither or die
Your love is that amazing
Your love is that strong

Your love is truly one of a kind
For there is none other like it
Nor will there ever be

Your love
Is a mighty flower
Whose blossoms are
More beautiful
More brilliant in color
More lush
The most full
Than any gardener has ever seen
Or ever will see again

Your love
Is like a mountain
Higher and higher into the Heavens it rises
It is steadfast
Nothing can move it
For nothing can stand up against it
It is mighty
It is majestic
It is an awesome sight

Your love
Is my treasure
Priceless in many ways
I am lucky to have it

Your love
In it’s purest form is like nothing else upon this Earth
Nor in the entire reaches of space
The love you give is truly one of a kind
It can not be copied
It can not be duplicated
Thereis nothing else like it
Nor will there ever be

So beautiful
So majestic
So powerful is your love
That it causes me to stand in awe
I gaze at it’s beauty
I am lost in it’s warmth

Even in death
Your love flows
For it is free
Death can not hold it
The grave can not hold it
Your love has broken all bonds
It can not be held back
It can not be stopped
Death knows this
The grave knows this
They tremble at your love’s mighty and awesome power

Even in death
Your love is not forgotten
Though I lie here in my grave
I am wrapped in the warm embrace of your love
So sweet
So kind
So gentle
Was your love
That even in death I am not without it
Neither will it be forgotten
Your love will forever be a warm blanket
Forever wrapped around me
Giving me warmth within my cold tomb

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