Wednesday, April 4, 2018


Almighty God
Abba father
King of kings
Lord of lords

Bestow unto me your spirit
Show me your ways
Teach me your truths

Create in my a clean heart
Create a right soul within me
So I may understand your will
So I may preform the tash
You have appointed me to

Develope in me
The qualities you desire
For those who serve you
May no part of me
Be wasted upon
The ways of this world

Everlasting peace
Are granted to
Those who trust you

Forgive me
For my shortcommings
For my mistakes

Grant me pardon
That I may live with you
In glory

Honor and praise
I give you
For you alone are worthy

I am bound by your spirit
With which
Nothing is impossable for me
All can be accomplissed

Judge me and try me
I am yours
Belong to you

Kill the unholy in me
Melt me in the forges of Heaven
Reshape me as you will
Remake me for your pourpose

Love you have shown me
More love than I desirve
Your love is endless
Your love is truly

More love
More passion
I bring to worship you
The well for this
Never runs dry

No more will I run
No more will I hide
I will be in the open
Ready for you

Only you know the depths of my heart
The depths of my soul

Please hear my prayer

Quiet my mind
That I may hear your calling
Quiet my mind
That I may answer
Faithfully and true

Rest you give for the faithful
Rest for a weary soul
Rest for a job well done

Study me
Test me
Try me
May I be found
Worthy in your sight

Treat me with kindness
I know I have strayed at times
I have always returned
Help me
That I may stray
No more

Undying love I have for you

Very softly
Very tenderly
You show me where I have gone wrong

Walk with me
Guide me
Show me the paths I must travel

X=cited I am to know you as

Yearning for your approval
As a child
Seaking such from a loving parent

Zeal and spirit
I praise you with both
As well as
Heart and mind

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  Sunflowers in the field Standing tall Standing still Like guards keeping watch Over the farm And it's flock