Friday, July 6, 2018


Sang to the tune of "Blaze of Glory" by Bon Jovi

Woke up this morning
Raised my weary head
A knapsack for my pillow
A park bench for my bed
There’s a police man yelling at me
names running through my head
I’m a man on a mission
Preaching out salvation
With my Bible in my hand

I was born into this word with a mission and a plan
Preaching out the good word across this barren land
I know the task will not be easy but with the lord I’ll take my stand
Preaching about Jesus and the devil, about Cain and Able, and about the promise land

I’m preaching out your words of glory
Saving lives with the truth
I’m preaching out your words of glory
You sent your son to die for me so now I give my life to you

As I walk across the world and see the soulless sin of men
I pray the lord’s forgiveness will be placed upon their heads
I pray for my own forgiveness for I to am a sinful man
For I’ve seen God’s glory that he sent to me to help me change my ways

I’m preaching out your words of glory
Saving lives with the truth
I’m preaching out your words of glory
You sent your son to die for me, so now I give my life to you

As I lie down at night
I pray the Lord my soul to keep
I pray forgiveness for everyone that I meet
Lord I have to ask a favor and I hope you understand
For I’ve lived life to the fullest as a boy and I want to die like a man
Starring down the devil let me make my stand

So he can be shot down
with your words of glory
saving lives with the truth
I’m preaching out your words of glory
You sent your son to die for me
So now I give my life to you 


I will never surrender
Life can beat me
Life can tear me apart

I will not give up
I will not give in
My spirit
My soul
Will not allow such injustice


Born to be
Free as the
Wind goes by

Don't Pitty Me

Don't pity me
I can see it in your eyes
Yes I have gone through hardships
But those hardships
Have only made me stronger

Daily Struggles

Lord I've grown so weary since
my life got out of hand
These trials and tribulations are
just more than I can stand
How much longer must I wait
for the life I choose to live
And how long must I pay you back
for all the things I've did
Must I suffer through this life
just a victim of the game
Most times it seems I'll leave this world
with nothing but the pain
Although I struggle constantly
with demons I can't shake
I pray each night before I sleep
that tomorrow I will not wake
Lord I hope you hear my plea
and grant my final wish
Whatever life is after death
can't be as bad as this
I've done my best to face them all
and take it like a man
But now I've grown too weary since
my life got out of hand


Give it a chance
Let it bloom in our hearts
Like a rose

Let's try it
Stop the fighting
Stop the hate
Live in peace
Save the human race

Lasting peace
Joyful peace
It could happen
We could make it work

All the nations
All the people
In friendship
In joy
In peace



The last defence of night trying to hold off the advancing dawn


Souls for

Christ paid the price
Souls from
Sin and strife

Baseball ( Holy Teaching )

Talking about Jesus to someone who dose not know Christ, is like playing baseball.  When they ask that first question the ball has been pitched and is headed your way.  To many people try swinging for the bleachers.  This is not a good tactic when speaking with those with a lot of questions.  Instead of swinging for the bleachers, try taking it one base at a time.  Home plate introduce the “cast of characters”.  Let them ask questions.  First base Review what was learned at home plate, the basics, maybe the creation, the ten commandments, a few Psalms, and the basic teachings of Christ.  This should be a good start, again let them ask questions.  Second base Review what was learned at first base, more in depth with the teachings of Christ, teachings from the prophets, more psalms and proverbs, answer any questions so far.    Third base review all that has been learned so far, answer any additional questions, prepare to wrap it up and bring them back home.

Why should they ask questions and not just listen?  By asking questions you can fill in any “blanks” that may have come up. As much as you are to lead the conversation, their questions help direct the teaching, so that nothing gets missed.  If they ask a question you can’t answer, do not send them off to find the question themselves, go with them to find that answer.  Remember Jesus is your guide in the journey.  Likewise you are their guide through the journey.

Trails In The Field

The trails in the field
They are covered in tire tracks
Where I’ve rode my ATV
 Out to check the cows
or play a little game
Called “Keep The Cattle On The Run”
Moving cows can be a job you know
Even when you have one or two
Who just don’t want to go

God ( Holy Teaching)

Let us first understand that God is a physician and the suffering is a medicine for salvatoin, not a punishment for damnation.
This life is full of sorrow and strife.  As Christians though, we can take joy in suffering.  When we accept Christ as our savior, and as we journey the path of life with God.  Non-believers will test us, laugh at us, spread lies about us, among other things.  As Christ had suffered so we to shall suffer.  However do not let this get you down, or make you turn and run.  Stand strong, have faith, and all the slings of the world will seam like nothing more than a fart in the wind.  No one heard it and no one cares.

Light ( Bible Study )

John 8:12

 Again Jesus spoke to them, saying, “I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will not walk in darkness, but will have the light of life.”

We need to follow Jesus's Light out of the darkness of this world, and into the Glory of his way


The will
Power to
Forge your own path


I pour out my heart
I pour out my soul
You treat me like dirt
Now it is taking it's toll

I thought we belonged
I know now I was wrong
To trust my heart
just to have it torn apart

You left me
Blindsided with the pain
You left me
Calling me many names

Energize yourself

Energize yourself
Get up
Don't just sit there

Energize yourself
Make music

Energize yourself
Life is ment for movement

Energize yourself
Be active


Leaves crunch beneath my feet as I walk in the woods


The Lily is a flower of the Spring
Spring is the season of regrowth
The Earth reviving after
It's long winter nap
The Lily is a flower of the spring


Leaves blowing in the wind twriling and twisting upward they fly
Floating upon the breaze like magic shifting through the air
Tumbing back to Earth for a short rest then off they fly once more


Flows with a
Mighty current
Washing away all
That is impure and dirt
Fish swimming in the river
Flowing toward the waterfall which
Tumbels from it's great hieght to the rocks
Far below creating a mighty mist


Stars in the night sky
Shine so high above the Earth
So lovely they are


Rainbow in the sky
Pretty colors in an arch
Rainbow in the sky


I followed the rainbow to the end of my days
 Following the spectrum in it’s infinite ways
The brightness before  my eyes always looking for paradise
 Now I am weak dying in my bed with my last breath let it be said
 I searched for paradise all my life and failed to see it was right there before me

Paradise is not a land to search for, however paradise depends on what we do with the land we have

Crazy Man

There was a crazy old man who lived on a hill
His laughter alone would give anyone chills
He'd do strange things
He'd speak ing strange ways
Or he'd sit perfectly still


Peace to the world
Join in brotherhood and friendship
Stop the hurt
Stop the hate
You aren't getting nowhere
You're just digging your own graves

Peace to the world
The nations of the world
Could let it happen

Peace to the world
In the human race
With each other
And truly be free

I think we're alone now

I think we're alone now
To play our dirty games
To strip Naked
To enjoy each other
In every way

A Rebellious Son (Bible Study )

Deuteronomy 21:18-21

“If a man has a stubborn and rebellious son who will not obey the voice of his father or the voice of his mother, and, though they discipline him, will not listen to them,   then his father and his mother shall take hold of him and bring him out to the elders of his city at the gate of the place where he lives,   and they shall say to the elders of his city, ‘This our son is stubborn and rebellious; he will not obey our voice; he is a glutton and a drunkard.’   Then all the men of the city shall stone him to death with stones. So you shall purge the evil from your midst, and all Israel shall hear, and fear.

Actions and Words ( Holy Teachings )

It is one thing to tell people
About God's love and mercy
It is however much better to show them
For many people
Our actions are the only truth of God
They know 
I've said this before
As Christians we have the Gospels of
And John
For non-Christians
They have the gospel according to us
And if are words and actions say two different things
We do not help the gospel
But instead hurt it.

Space cat

  there was a little cat of the furry sort and he used to dream he was an astronaut climbing in his rocket heading to the stars landing down...