Monday, July 2, 2018

Fishers of men (Holy Teaching)

Jesus tells us to be "fishers of men"  but how do you fish for people.   First you start with the bait that is how you treat people, and interact with people.  Your hook is your personal testimony backed with Holy scripture.   The line is the Holy Spirit being cast out to find the lost souls,  Jesus is the rod,  steadfast, and true.  That's how you fish for people.   By going wherever they are, and I do mean wherever.   Jesus many times hung out with those society did not think to highly of.  So yes we as his followers must not be afraid to go out and to reach out to those in need.   Using your spiritual rod and real to bring them closer to God.

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  Sunflowers in the field Standing tall Standing still Like guards keeping watch Over the farm And it's flock