Sunday, July 1, 2018


You left the house that morning
All was fine
Later that day
The call came
A car accident
One of the cars was identified as yours
The other car belonging to a stranger

When I got to the hospital
You were in a coma
The doctor said you were hurt bad
Survival would be close

For the next month
I lived at the hospital
So I could be with you

Each day I talked to you
Each day I prayed
Still you never woke up

Each day I read the paper to you
Each day I read stories to you
Still you never woke up

Then the day came
Everything happened so fast
Buzzers and alarms went off
As your breathing faltered
As your life stared slipping away

The doctors tried their best
I knew it was time
Time to let you go
Then your heartbeat flatlined
The time had come
I said goodbye

Out in the hall
I wept
For what seemed like eternity
Your mother had left us
Run off with another man
Now my daughter
My only child
Had left me to

Though you are gone
You will NEVER  be forgotten

Daddy loves you

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