Thursday, March 7, 2019

The Beggar’s Song

A little spare change, a little spare change, just a little spare change 
For I am a man down on my luck my son got hit by a truck 
My wife threw me out of the house she called me a louse
 I am a veteran of war I could tell you stories galore 
I can sing I can dance
Just a little spare change that is all I ask
 Quarters, nickels, and dimes hey even pennies are fine
Thank you sir thank you mama just put it in the cup in my hand
May you have a good day and may God be with you on your way


Jesus is my Lord and savior
Jesus is my God and king
I will praise his name forever
He has given me everything


Creator of Heaven and Earth Lord
I will forever praise your name
I will preach your good word to
All the people around
So all human race
Can sing praises
To your much


Day we
Met was the
Most wonderful
Of my life you
Appeared as if I had
Entered a dream land your love
caught me off gard your beauty shines
Like a thousand stars your warmth could melt
The coldest of hearts I love you so much


Love is like
Warm sun beam
Soak it up

Wednesday, March 6, 2019

Blind Hearts (Holy Teaching)

It is not their eyes that are blind, but their hearts
Having eyes that are blind is bad.  Having hearts that are blind is worse.  How can a heart go blind?  When the person Stops caring about themselves, or those around them.

Faith (Holy Teaching)

Faith is a journey that lasts our entire life.  Once we come to know God and accept him in our lives, he walks the journey with us.  The prosses that this journey takes on is a step-by-step method that brings us into the full awareness of God's love and mercy.  We are not alone, for not only is God with ust there are like minded people to whom we can draw strangth from.  God is always there, God is always guiding us, God will see us to the end of the path

Kindness (Holy Teaching)

“There is nothing in the world more soft and weak than water, and yet for attacking things that are firm and strong there is nothing that can take precedence of it;—for there is nothing (so effectual) for which it can be changed.”

Same goes for killing evil with kindness, Which Jesus spoke about many times

Reach Out (Holy Teaching)

“The heart that gives, gathers.”
Jesus reached out to those in need.  As christians we should do likewise.  For in reaching out we gain so much more, than we ever would being selfish

Self (Bible Study)

Some people spend their whole lives trying to find their true selves, and yet never find it.  Genesis 2:7 tells how God created man, and Genesis 2:22 tells how God created woman.  The reason we have trouble finding ourselves is we have forgotten where we came from, and our creator.  Through the passage of time, we have gotten so wrapped up in ourselves and the world around us, that we have lost not only our faith, not only God, but our true honest being.  For if the creation has forgotten it’s creator, it has also forgotten itself.  We need to become one with God, know him in all his glory.  We need to study his word, and become one with his will once more.

Souls (Bible Study)

Proverbs 11:30 The fruit of the righteous is a tree of life.  He who wins souls is wise.

Daniel 12:3 Those who are wise will shine like the brightness of the heavens.  Those who lead many to righteousness like the stars forever and ever.

James 5:20 Remember this, whoever turns a sinner from the error of his way will save him from death, and cover a multitude of sins.

Our mission is to win souls for Jesus.  This is only done through the true wisdom that is revealed through a true relationship with Jesus.  For only Christ can overturn the damage done in the foolishness of the wicked.  Only Christ has the power to set right what the devil has made wrong.  By winning souls we bring people over to the winning side, so they do not go down in defeat. And thus lost forever.

Watch what you say (Bible Study)


It only takes a spark to get a fire going.  A careless or wrongful placed word out of your mouth can be that spark.  Words can ruin the world, turn harmony into chaos, throw mud on a reputation.  Send the whole world up in smoke and you with it.  This is scary, you can tame a tiger, but you can't tame a tongue.  The tongue runs wild.  With the tongue we bless God the father, with that same tongue we curses the very men and women he made in his image.  Curses and blessings out of the same mouth.  My friends this can't go on.  A spring does not gush out fresh water one day and then blackish water the next.  Apple trees don't bear Strawberries.  Raspberry bushes don't bear apples.  You're not going to dip into a mud hole and get a cup of cool clear water.

Laugh Move on

I laugh
I learn
I move on

I laugh at
My mistakes
My shortcomings
My failures

I learn to
Accept these thoughts
To become a better person
I take these thoughts in stride
As just another part of life

I move on
To bigger and better things
Learning from my past
To help me along the road of life

I laugh
I learn
I move on

Keep Going

Keep the candel burning
Keep the spark alive
Go for your goals
Don't let life slow you down
Don't let life hold you back
Keep moving forward
Keep stretching your limits

Reaching Your Goals

Reaching your goals is like a mountain you want to climb
All it takes is one step at a time
You climb over rocks, cracks, and things all done to reach your goal
when you reach the top and the battles won
You will find another goal has just begun

Rise up

Rise up
Face the new day
New challeges
To strengthen
Both body and soul

Rise up
Face life head on
Don't hold back
Go at full force
Don't slow down

Rise up
Be the best you can
Be you truest self
Be who you are
Don't hide it

Life was meant for movement

Life was meant for movement
Not sitting around being lazy
Work on a project
Get up and go
Life is short
Enjoy it while you can
Life was meant for movement

See Through

Whatever life may throw at you, smile anyway and know love's true.

Once in a while someone comes along, to show you a much, much different song.

Hold on tight your beliefs within and see if love doesn't become your friend.

Attachments come and they may go but the one that stays will be gracely bold.

  Don't let the talk around town bring you down

When the one whose with you is showing abound.

Keep close the relationship and see when everything may flip.

Always love those who love you too and get rid of all else that does bad to you.


Enter the sandman
Sprinkle me with your magic
Dust, send me to lands of pure
Fill my head with dreams of pure
Fancy, delight, and wonder


Work to do
And have much fun
All in a days work for these yellow guys


When the lake is still
Reflections like a mirror
Reveal your own soul

Lake Fun

Swinging on rope over lake
Let go of rope fly through air
Land with big splash and much fun
Laugh and do again

The Promise

My blood flows red
For the passion within
This promise I make
For my partner’s sake
I promise we will never part
I promise to be true
There is no one else but you
For that is the way my love must be
This promise is true
I really do love you
As you can plainly see


She stands in the doorway
Water dripping from her body
From the shower she just took
Her hair
Long and burnet
Falls down to her waist
Her eyes
Shine with the brightness of the sun
Her lips
Full and lush
Looking for her mate

She walks over to the couch
Where her lover sits
He Hugs her
As she sits upon the couch
She starts undressing her mate

As they lie together on the couch
Their bodies combine
In an exotic dance
That has existed since the begining time

They move with passion
They are like wild beasts
Ravishing each other
Pure passion
Pure love
The pureness of the human soul

As they continue to endulge each other
They pant
They moan
Not in pain
However, in joy
Joy in it's purest form

Finally they reach the end
They relax
Exhusted from the passion
Exhusted from the energy spent

Lying naked upon the couch
Thet look into each others ryes
They kiss

Ticket to love

A ticket to ride
Upon this train of pure love
Joyful together


Lonely no more
Onward into friendship


What has seduced you from the ways of God
The one who created you
The one who formed you from the dust of the Earth

Give Thanks

Give thanks for the joy of life
Give thanks for pain and strife
Give thanks for a blessed life
Give thanks when that bliss denied

Life comes in many ways
So give thanks in all things


Sang to the tune of "Bad Medicine" by Bon Jovi

I have found myself a savior
He has come to set me free
He is the perfect doctor to prescribe a remedy
Against the darkness that has trapped this world
He knows people are in pain
He knows people are hurt
He will deal with the sin as easy as 1-2-3

He is the one I love
He is the one I will praise and adore
He is the one that I love
I will raise my voice forever more

His love is the best medicine
Against the darkness that has sickened this world
His love is the best medicine
Come on Lord and give us some more

It doesn’t matter the illness he deals with it the same
When you’re feeling ill just call upon his name
He will send his Holy Spirit coming to you as a flame
He will help you whatever mess your in
He will give you a proscription to completely destroy your sin
When the sickness starts all you need to say

He is the one I love
He is the one I will praise and adore
He is the one that I love
I will raise my voice forever more

His love is the best medicine
Against the darkness that has sickened this world
His love is the best medicine
Come on Lord and give us some more

Space cat

  there was a little cat of the furry sort and he used to dream he was an astronaut climbing in his rocket heading to the stars landing down...