Sunday, May 3, 2020

Friday, May 1, 2020


God lives in everyone who believes
Not between the pages of a book
Not in some building
That is only visited once a week
But in us

God lives in us
God exists in our 
God created us

God did not create a book
God did not create a building
God created us
Is it not easy to understand

That God would live in his creation


Fly free
Free as the wind blows
No holding back
No slowing down
Just go

Lift off
And never tough down
Higher and higher
Into the sky

To places unknown
The mystery
The grandure

The wonder


Clowns dance
Clowna tel jokes
Clowns do other silly things
All done to make us laugh
Behind the makeup
Behind the silly costume
They are real people
Real pain
Real fears
They cry
Real tears

So the next time you see a clown
Behind the makeup
They are real people

Just like you and me

The Shadow Knight

He is the Shadow Knight
The most feared creature ever known
Death and destruction
Are his calling

His deeds are many and gruesome
Ripping people apart
Just to name a few
And all these and even worse things
He does for pure fun

Poison darts

Flaming arrows
Even the magical arts

Going throughout the land
Destroying those who get in his way
Don’t ask for mercy
It just makes him mad

The Shadow Knight

Casting spells
Sword fighting
Crossbow shooting
Anything that causes death
Anything that brings forth destruction

He kills for his own amusement

He kills purely for the joy


Roses are red
They come in other colors to
The12 in my hand
I give to you

Roses are red
The sky is blue
Ihope you know

How much I love you

You stay a way from me
You have no right to do that

I though you loved me
You just wanted to play games
To tear off my clothes
To put me to shame

You blackened my eye
You cut my thigh
You made me cry

You beat me bloody
You broke my bones
Then you stole from me
That which was my own

With every thrust
You stoll more and more
I could not fight back
You handcuffed me to a pipe in the floor

You put your snake inside me
It tore me apart
From that spot between my legs
All the way to my heart

You said if I ever spoke out
You’d come back and kill me
Then you’d kill everyone I loved

Now I lay here
Quietly sobing 
In a pool pf my own blood
Broken  and beaten

Ready to die

I will Not Shut Up


You have no power over me
You have no strength left
You will loose

I know you think you’re in crontrol
Trying to weaken me
Playing on all my fears and doubts

Shut the fuck up
I’m tired of listening to you

You have no right treating me this way
You do not own me
You never will
So you might as well stop trying

Go ahead though and try if you want
It wont work
No matter the ploy
No matter the game plan you use
I still refuse

I said it before
I say it now




You have no power over me
You have no strength left
You will loose

I know you think you’re in crontrol
Trying to weaken me
Playing on all my fears and doubts

Shut the fuck up
I’m tired of listening to you

You have no right treating me this way
You do not own me
You never will
So you might as well stop trying

Go ahead though and try if you want
It wont work
No matter the ploy
No matter the game plan you use
I still refuse

I said it before
I say it now



Bless the Lord

Bless the Lord
With all my soul
Let the sound ring true
For his mercy
And his grace
Are given free to you

Even when life is dark
Seems every door I try to open shut
Danger lurks in every place
Still you can find God’s grace
Just when you need it most
He provides it
Christ will never leave your side

And with him you have nothing to hide


Lord have mercy for I have sinned
I have gone against your will
Traveled my own path
And have been in one danger after another

I was mean
I hurt people I never meant to
I was selfish
Only looking out for myself

Lord help me
I am headed down a path
I do not wish to go anymore
I want out

Help my find you path
Help me walk with you day by day

Mold me and shape me
Transform this sinful creature
Into a tool for you to use

Help me reach out to those in need
Help me comfort the hurting
Help me be a light within the darkness

When I stumble
When I fall
Help me get up
Find the strength I need
And move on

Continuing to do your work


Green grass
Blue sky
Hay blowing in the breeze

Cows in the feild
Goats in the yard
Alpace in the barn

Cats in the hay bails
fence  to fix
Tractor in the field

Fish in the pond
Dead trees to cut
Wood to gather up

Sun comes up
Sun gose down

Another day on t


When the shadows take away the light
When my sights gone dim and I feel like that I’m blind
Lord please take my hand
Guide me on your way
Shine your light for all to see
This is way I say

Jesus my Savior
I praise your name
To the highest heavens
For the blessings that you gave

I thought the world gave me friends
I’ve found that that’s not true
The only true friends in this world
Only come from you
Thank you Lord
With all my heart and soul
You’ve given me the best of friends
I hope that you know

Jesus my Savior
I praise you rame
To the highest heavens

Forthe blessings that you gave


I love you
With all my heart and soul
You it is I cling to

When my life spins out of control

Faith Is

Faith is believing
When it feels like you have nothing to believe in
That’s not quite right

Faith is strength
Inner strength given to you when you need it most
No that still isn’t quite right

Faith is stepping out on thin air
Instead of falling
You find something
Something solid to stand on
Still misses the point a little

Faith is the glue that holds 
The world
The cosmos
The entire core of existance together

Faith means different things

To different people

Space cat

  there was a little cat of the furry sort and he used to dream he was an astronaut climbing in his rocket heading to the stars landing down...