Saturday, June 18, 2022

His First fishing trip


It's his very first time fishing 

Out with his dad and Grandpa 

The pond was still

The fish were jumping

After they get set up

His dad helps him cast his line

Hours seemed to go by

As they cast and recast

Trying different spots on the pond

Soon Grampa catches one

Then his dad did too

This made the little boy sad

Because he had yet to catch anything 

Just when the boy was about to give up

A tug

It was there, he felt it

Another tug

Dad telling him to reel it in

Another tug

This time almost pulling the boy off his feet

Dad runs over and grabs his son

Together they reel that fish in

And once on shore it could be seen.

That for his first fishing trip

The little boy catches they biggest one out of the three

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