Sunday, June 19, 2022

The Laundry matt after hours

I some how found myself locked inside a laundry mat

Everything quiet and still

Untill about the midnight hour

All the dryers started up

A strange glow came from them

The doors opend

What came out of the dryers

Looked like socks

Dozens upon dozens of socks

Socks of every shape and size

Emerged from each dryer

Not seeing me

Or even taking notice

They set up for what looked like a party

I finally got up the nerve to talk to one

It told me they were the socks lost in the dryers over the years

And each night they come out to party

I was even invited to join them

But had to swear I would never tell anyone

We  had a fun time





At around dawn the socks said goodbye 

And dove back into the dryer

After the door was unlocked

And explaining why I was there all night

I finally went home and slept

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