Writing poetry and short stories to let people take a peek inside my mind. I also do videos, take pictures, and like to cook and share tips on cooking
Wednesday, April 5, 2017
The Flood (A Nort the Newt Story)
One day it rained all day causing the river to overflow it's banks. The next day Nort the Newt was busy helping to remove the signs of the storm. Cutting wood, moving brush and other trash. Sally the salamander helped out by doing work, but along with the other ladies of the forest, she also provided food and something to drink for everyone. A couple of animals had broken arms or legs due to stuff falling on the them during the storm. Those were treated, but other than that the rest was just tree limbs and branches. The beaver family got hit the worst (having their home built on the river.) Nort and the rest of the creatures of the forest helped the beaver family as best they could. The flood had just wiped out their home and everything with it. Nort offered to let the beavers stay with him until they could get a new place. The other members of the forest said they would help rebuild their home, and help out in any way they could. The beaver family was touched by such kindness in their time of need.
The boys Basketball
Team preparing for the game
Psyching the team up
Huddled in the tiger's den
Waiting for the game to start
Writer in the Storm
He sits in a cave
Pen and pad in hand
Sitting next to the campfire
He writes
He writes about love
He writes about the loses there of
He writes of trials and triumphs
He writes about life
The wind blows outside
The rain falls like bullets from the sky
The waves crash upon the shore
Here within this cave he writes
Water dripping from the rocks
Wind blowing rain into the cave
He sets himself against the breeze
And writes all the same
For if he did not write
His emotions would flood his soul
And that is one type of dampness
That would surly takes it's toll
The coolness from the breeze
Sends a chill up his spine
And goosebumps upon his skin
The dampness is always
Trying to fog up his mind
The lighting and the thunder roll
Is like a deep voice
Speaking to his soul
He writes these words
Through the wind and the rain
He writes these words
Through the chill and the pain
He writes
For life demands it
Lighting flash
Thumder roll
Another verse in his mighty story told
He whethers the storm
Pouring out heart and soul
Alone in the cave
That has become like a second home
The Stone Face (Short Story)
For thirty years I have visited the park with the great stone wall. The side of the wall has stones that the Earth has formed to look like a face. Every time I have visited the face was set in a frown. Until my last visit, when I saw it smile. Not seeing anyone upon the path ( even though it seamed strange to do) I asked it about it's change, and believe it or not it answered. It said
I have lived a long long time
I have seen many changes
I have heard many rhymes
It used to get me down
That is why I had that frown
For many people would pass me by
But lately I have seen
How beautiful the grass is green
Watching the children at play
Watching the ducks on the lake
Have helped put a smile upon my face
The BBQs
Water gun fights
Kites in flight
People upon the trail
All of this is quite swell
Yes it still gets lonely at times
No one stops by to say hi
To this face in the stone
They follow the trail
To leave me alone
However there are some like you
Even though it seems strange
Ask me
How are you
We talked about much more. Then I saw the time was late. Said goodbye, said I'd come back tomorrow, and went home. Every month I make a trip, to see my old friend.
The Sacrifice (short story)
A family goes fishing one day.
Mom, Dad, and older brother about the age of 15, and his younger brother of about the age of 10.
They were fishing off the bridge because recent rain had flooded the banks.
They were all fishing having a good time when the 10 year old fall off the bridge and into the water.
His older brother wasted no time and jumped in after him.
Landing close to his little brother.
he was able to grab his arm and pull his brother to him.
Then the older brother tried to swim to shore but the current was to strong and they floated down river.
Holding his brother's head above water, as well as having a tight grip so as not to lose him.
When they came to rocks they could not avoid, the older brother always made sure he was the one who got hit by the rocks not his brother.
finally they found a large branch hanging over the water.
The older brother held the younger up so he could grab hold of the branch.
The older brother seeing that his brother had a firm grip on the branch let go intending to grab the branch himself, however he found the his foot had gotten tangled up in some old fishing string, so he stayed in the water.
When mom and dad caught up with them and got the younger boy back on shore.
Dad walked out to where his older son was and cut the fishing string loose.
After the entire family was back on shore the exstent of the older boys wounds became known and 911 was called.
When 911 arrived and examined the older boy they found many cut and bruises from being bashed upon the rocks and was rushed to the hospital.
The younger boy had a few cuts, but mostly was just very very wet.
Mom, dad, and younger son walked back to the car, and went to the hospital.
Upon arriving they found the older son still in the ER and was told his condition was bad and getting worse.
He was loosing more blood than they can keep inside him, and that many of the wounds had gotten infected.
The Doctors said that they did not expect him to last much longer. Then the nurse came out and proved them right, the boy was gone.
Everyone cried and the doctors were thanked for doing what they could.
The younger brother took it the hardest and blamed himself for his brothers death.
Back home they ate supper and went to bed. That night about midnight there came a glow in the little boy's room so bright it woke him up.
The little boy opened his eyes to see a glowing image of his big brother standing before him.
Before the younger brother started screaming, the big brother said "Do not be afraid, I come with a message."
"I am on my way to Heaven to live with Jesus, but have asked to tell you this."
"Do not hate yourself for what happed.
I care about you very much and would not have changed a thing. Also that I will always be with you, whenever you need me, you need not look any farther than your own heart."
After saying this the older brother vanished, and the younger brother went back to sleep
The Man in the Woods
Deep within the woods
He exists
Who is he?
no one knows for sure
Some say a demond
Some say an elf
Still others name more darker creatures
Power flows from him
Flows like the ocean tide
Power to create
Power to destroy
His hair is long
Jet black
They say
His eyes glow red
As a firey furnece
His breath stinks of death
His face is always cast in a shadow
No matter how much sun is in the sky
All have heard of him
And his mysterious ways
Yes, all have heard
Few have seen him
Even fewer have seen him
And not have to be put in a mental hopital
For the rest of their lives
That is what happens
When he spots you
His stare is enough to drive you
Completly out of your mind
He exists
Who is he?
no one knows for sure
Some say a demond
Some say an elf
Still others name more darker creatures
Power flows from him
Flows like the ocean tide
Power to create
Power to destroy
His hair is long
Jet black
They say
His eyes glow red
As a firey furnece
His breath stinks of death
His face is always cast in a shadow
No matter how much sun is in the sky
All have heard of him
And his mysterious ways
Yes, all have heard
Few have seen him
Even fewer have seen him
And not have to be put in a mental hopital
For the rest of their lives
That is what happens
When he spots you
His stare is enough to drive you
Completly out of your mind
The Hunter (Short Story)
He rode into town
Harley roaring as he arrived
Black leather jacket
Dark Shades
The chrome of his bike
Sparkeled in the sunshine
A cloud of dust
Rising in his wake
He came looking for someone
Did not find who he sought
He did see the remains
Of the damage they'd brought
Buildings in piles of rubble
Fire burning here and there
Everyone was in hiding
Everyone was scared
He hopped on his bike
Headed on down the road
To see what the future would behold
A mile out of town
He had some luck
That is when he saw
That ugly ass truck
Parked at a cabin
Just off the road
This was what he was looking for
He got off his bike
Reached in an inner pocket of his jacket
Pulled out a gun
Held it with both hands
As silently he'd run
Tree to tree
Bush to bush
He gets to the window
He rises to look in
No one in the front room
He starts to grin
He slide to the door
Finds it unlocked
Waits a moment
Than gives it a knock
He knocks with his foot
Busting it in
This kind of action
Gave him a wider grin
He slowly searches the house
Room by room
Finding no one
Sencing doom
He finds the basement door open
He flips on a light
Still silince below
He starts down the flight
At the bottom of the stairs
He sees two people in chairs
Bound and gagged and knocked out
He goes over to untie them
That is when he heard
The one he came for
start to stir
Out of the shadows
Into the light
The monster himself
Spang into life
Holding a gun
He fired twice
Just warning shots at the wall
To say he's done playing nice
He stood up
Leaving the two people tied
A showdown was to happen
He held his gun straight
Looked the monster in the eyes
Fired two shots
Now the beast lies
In a pool of blood
For everyone there to see
The evil was over
He untied the victims
Made sure they were ok
Told them what had happened
Then told them it was time to run way
They left the house
Upon the day
Setting it on fire
Letting the evil be consumed by the blaze
He gave them a ride back to town
On the Harley they rode
Back into town
Reunited with family and freinds
After he drops them off
He leaves town once again
He is a hunter
He hunts the unjust
He fights for whats right
He goes where he must
Tuesday, April 4, 2017
The Fighter 2
She had a darkside
She kept hidden
A dark past of
Brokeness and disgrace
She believed his lies
Those lies
Almost cost her her life
She fought to survive
The situation she was in
As he beat her time and again
Broken bones
Broken nose
Blood spilt in his rage
She fought through the hurt
She fought through the pain
A black Eye
A beaten in face
Tossed around like a ragdoll
She however
Stayed her pace
Jab after jab
Punch after punch
A kick here
A bite there
She finally fought her way to be free
However the damage was done
That all could see
She wears the scars as a badge
The bruises mark will heal in time
She does not look back with shame
She does not regret what she did
She fought to survive
She did not run
She did not hide
Life is a classroom
Sometimes the lessions
Are hard to take
She stands tall
She stands proud
After all she has gone through
To be the woman she is today
She still thinks she's beautiful
She is still full of grace
Dispite the scares
That monster left on her face
The Fighter
She was a fighter
Champion Kick boxer
Black belt in Tie-Kwon-Do
Through the sweat
Through the tears
She exceled over them all
She was strong
Both in body
As well as in mind
She fought
She trained
She was the best
Off the mat
She fought only in self defence
She never started a fight
But she knew how to finish it
And finish it quick
Off the matt
Out of the ring
She was socialble and engaging
Laughing at jokes
Talking it up with friends
In the ring
On the mat
It wass all bussiness
Fight or lose
Tears shed
Blood spilt
She gave it all she got
Then she'd give some more
The Cowboy (Short Story)
He stalks the Earth
He casts a mighty shadow as he goes
Eyes glowing like that of a lighting bolt
Hair long and flowing
Skin rough from ages of wondering
He has no name
Though he has gone by many
No one really knows him
Nor the tail of his life
He just walked into town one night
They say night
Though it was the noon of day
The shadow he cast
Darkened every step he made
Quick with a gun
Quicker than yet any have seem
Before you even touched your belt
He'd cut you clean
He came looking for trouble
That is just what he found
He called them out
Demanded a fight
By the setting sun
Just before night
When the time came
They gathered in the street
He stood at one end
His victims on the other
Staring at each other
Waiting for the slightest move
A twitch from the bad guys
He knew
He drew
Faster than lighting
The shots rang out
When the smoke had cleared
He had mowed them all down
He left
Walking away
Stalking the Earth once more
To fight another day
Ted (Short Story)
Hello my name is Ted. My last name is not important, but my story is. I took my 4-wheeler to the local ATV park like I do on most weekends. This however turn not to be a typical day at the park. It started out well jumping mounds, driving through ditches. However after awhile I found myself in deep trouble. I had just finished rididing along the side of a hill. When I was back on flat ground, I found myself surrounded by a group of thugs also riding ATVs of different kinds. At first they circled in close then backed up so they could ram me from all sides. I saw a hole in the line and pushed the gas and shot through it. This move did not make them happy and they showd it by pulling out guns. I had a gun myself so I pulled it out, The shoot out started. I plucked a few of them out of their seats then jamed down on the gas and rode. They chased me over Mounds through mud, along hillsides. Some of the thugs dropped out because they ran out of gas, or they fell off their ride with their ATVs laying on top of them. Soon it was just me and one one of the thugs. I spun a complete 180 degrees facing my opponent and started charging him. He started charging me as well. Soon he realized I was not going to be the chicken, he made a hard turn falling off his ride and having it land on top of him. After all this the thugs were taken by the cops to jail. After telling what had happened I went downtown to the police station to tell them my side of the story. The thugs tried to say I started it, but it turned out that the actions of that day were not their only ones of that kind, and that they had been in many times for the same reasons. After a long and maddening day, I finaly went home
Sticks and Stones (Blood and Bones) (Short Story)
It started out as a regular fight, guys all wanting to test their strength, and beat up the other guy. It was all fun, just fist fights mostly. Then things got worse, much worse.
It had gotten late in the day, car headlights were turned on. The crowd was satrting to get restless. Between all that and beer, the chaos happened. The crowd started grabbing what ever they could find. Sticks, boards (some with nails), Hammers of all types, and other stuff. Then they started chanting "Sticks and stones, blood and bones." What started out as Good ole boys having fun. Escalated into Chaos of epic proportion.
I barely missed a shovel. I took a hit on the arm by a nail. I only missed being hit by a crow bar because someone else clubbed that person with a Baseball bat, I crawled behind a car, and there I stayed until the rescue crew arrived.
As I peaked from around the car. I could see the damage that had been done. Fires had been started and were speading. Broken bones, some deaths, much bloodshed.
Finally the Police arrived and arrested a number of the uninjured. The fire department put out the flames. The rest of us went to the Hospital, to be checked on.
I was one of the lucky ones, mainly scrapes and bruises. I did have a puncture wound from that nail, but other than that I was fine
Within the shadows he exists
Walking a lonely road
Covered with skulls and bones
He does not exsit in this time
Or any
His sins have seperated him from all
He is
Being punished by his past
He cries
Not tears
Blood flows instead
Blood pours
Blood rains down
As he steps on another bone
As he steps on another skull
Demons torment him everyday
As he walks in great dismay
He can not run
He can not hide
They will find him
They will torment this poor soul
He is forever trapped
Between time
Btween space
Nevermore to love
Nevermore to be loved
Forever to walk within the shadows
Forever to walk alone
Going through this box in the attic
What did I find
An old rag doll
Lost away in time
This had once belonged to my sister
So many years ago
Cancer took her from me
How I miss her so
She was only ten
This doll by her side
My parents put it away
The pain of our loss
Was to much to hide
When I went to leave home
This box came along
I really forgot what was in it
However God knew all along
I had placed it in my attic
Untill I had time
To Go though this box
To find out what was now mine
Now to see this doll
After so many years
The memories of my sister
Brings me to tears
To put it back in the box
This I will not do
It shall live upon the couch
In my living room
The emotional damn has burst
Blood rushes
It heats up as the anger grows
The madder I get
The more my blood boils
The more I feel
I will burst into flames
Life has delt me a nasty blow
I was cheated
I was hurt
When life attacked
I want to fight back
To prove I am no coward
To prove I am strong
To prove I am not someone to screw with
One Lonely Rose 2
One, lonely, afraid, lost
No one seems to love you, no one seems to care
Emotionally in a pitfall spinning out of control
Lost to friendship and love
One day after another it’s the same
No one to be at your side
Emotional void full of deep sorrow
Lost to the world forever
You cry out, but no one hears you weep
Reluctantly you go on with your life
Only to find you are alone
Sorrow overspills from your soul
Everything is lost
One lonely rose
One lonely rose
Within this garden grows
One lonely rose
With blood red blooms
One life given
One life lost
One Little Rose
One little rose
One little life
Planted in the ground
With toil and strife
Choked by the dirt and the dust
It needs to survive
It has to
It must
One little rose
My life be like thee
Nice and pretty for all to see
May the dust come
May the dirt of the Earth
Help me be strong
So I may survive my whole life long
One little rose
I see
Though you are small
You remind me of me
One Beat 3
One beat
One song
One voice
One beat pounding out it’s constant tone throughout eternity
One song joins the beat giving it movement and action
One voice calling from the wild
Calling to all who will listen
The voice brings words, power, and grace
The beat is existence
The beat is life itself
The song brings movement and action
The voice brings words, glory, and power
The voice is by which we express ourselves to the rest of creation
The beat always was
Always is
Always will be
even before the beginning of time itself
The beat was
The song drives the beat forward
It creates movement and action
The song is throughout all creation everyday
The voice pours from the mouths of every human being
It pours from the human soul and heart
Words that bring joy
Words that bring pain
Words that just are
One beat
One song
One voice
Three parts yet all work as one
One Beat 2
One beat
One song
One voice
GOD the beat
Always was
Always is
Always will be
Before the beginning of time
It was so
The Holy Spirit the song
Joins the beat and gives it
Movement and action
It drives the beat onward
So it does not stand still
Or fall on dead ears
Jesus the voice
Joins the other two
It gives
The voice calls in the wild
It calls for all who will listen
This is the very core of existence
We exist only because
The beat, GOD
The song, The Holy Spirit
The voice, Jesus Christ
All live in perfect form and balance
Without this balance
All falls apart into a void
Full of darkness and chaos
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Space cat
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