Tuesday, April 4, 2017

Sticks and Stones (Blood and Bones) (Short Story)

It started out as a regular fight, guys all wanting to test their strength, and beat up the other guy.  It was all fun, just fist fights mostly.  Then things got worse, much worse.

It had gotten late in the day, car headlights were turned on.  The crowd was satrting to get restless.  Between all that and beer, the chaos happened.  The crowd started grabbing what ever they could find.  Sticks, boards (some with nails), Hammers of all types, and other stuff.  Then they started chanting "Sticks and stones, blood and bones."  What started out as Good ole boys having fun.  Escalated into Chaos of epic proportion.

I barely missed a shovel.  I took a hit on the arm by a nail.  I only missed being hit by a crow bar because someone else clubbed that person with a Baseball bat,  I crawled behind a car, and there I stayed until the rescue crew arrived.

As I peaked from around the car.  I could see the damage that had been done.  Fires had been started and were speading.  Broken bones, some deaths, much bloodshed.

Finally the Police arrived and arrested a number of the uninjured.  The fire department put out the flames.  The rest of us went to the Hospital, to be checked on.

I was one of the lucky ones, mainly scrapes and bruises.  I did have a puncture wound from that nail, but other than that I was fine

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