Wednesday, April 5, 2017

The Flood (A Nort the Newt Story)

One day it rained all day causing the river to overflow it's banks.  The next day Nort the Newt was busy helping to remove the signs of the storm.  Cutting wood, moving brush and other trash.  Sally the salamander helped out by doing work, but along with the other ladies of the forest, she also provided food and something to drink for everyone.  A couple of animals had broken arms or legs due to stuff falling on the them during the storm.  Those were treated, but other than that the rest was just tree limbs and branches.  The beaver family got hit the worst (having their home built on the river.)  Nort and the rest of the creatures of the forest helped the beaver family as best they could.  The flood had just wiped out their home and everything with it.  Nort offered to let the beavers stay with him until they could get a new place.  The other members of the forest said they would help rebuild their home, and help out in any way they could.  The beaver family was touched by such kindness in their time of need.

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