Wednesday, April 5, 2017

The Hunter (Short Story)

He rode into town
Harley roaring as he arrived
Black leather jacket
Dark Shades
The chrome of his bike
Sparkeled in the sunshine
A cloud of dust
Rising in his wake

He came looking for someone
Did not find who he sought
He did see the remains
Of the damage they'd brought
Buildings in piles of rubble
Fire burning here and there
Everyone was in hiding
Everyone was scared

He hopped on his bike
Headed on down the road
To see what the future would behold

A mile out of town
He had some luck
That is when he saw
That ugly ass truck

Parked at a cabin
Just off the road
This was what he was looking for
He got off his bike
Reached in an inner pocket of his jacket
Pulled out a gun
Held it with both hands
As silently he'd run
Tree to tree
Bush to bush

He gets to the window
He rises to look in
No one in the front room
He starts to grin
He slide to the door
Finds it unlocked
Waits a moment
Than gives it a knock

He knocks with his foot
Busting it in
This kind of action
Gave him a wider grin
He slowly searches the house
Room by room
Finding no one
Sencing doom

He finds the basement door open
He flips on a light
Still silince below
He starts down the flight

At the bottom of the stairs
He sees two people in chairs
Bound and gagged and knocked out
He goes over to untie them
That is when he heard
The one he came for
start to stir

Out of the shadows
Into the light
The monster himself
Spang into life
Holding a gun
He fired twice
Just warning shots at the wall
To say he's done playing nice

He stood up
Leaving the two people tied
A showdown was to happen
He held his gun straight
Looked the monster in the eyes
Fired two shots
Now the beast lies
In a pool of blood
For everyone there to see
The evil was over

He untied the victims
Made sure they were ok
Told them what had happened
Then told them it was time to run way

They left the house
Upon the day
Setting it on fire
Letting the evil be consumed by the blaze
He gave them a ride back to town
On the Harley they rode

Back into town
Reunited with family and freinds
After he drops them off
He leaves town once again

He is a hunter
He hunts the unjust
He fights for whats right

He goes where he must

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