Wednesday, April 5, 2017

The Sacrifice (short story)

A family goes fishing one day. 
Mom, Dad, and older brother about the age of 15, and his younger brother of about the age of 10. 
They were fishing off the bridge because recent rain had flooded the banks.  
They were all fishing having a good time when the 10 year old fall off the bridge and into the water. 
His older brother wasted no time and jumped in after him.
 Landing close to his little brother.
 he was able to grab his arm and pull his brother to him.
 Then the older brother tried to swim to shore but the current was to strong and they floated down river. 
Holding his brother's head above water, as well as having a tight grip so as not to lose him. 
When they came to rocks they could not avoid, the older brother always made sure he was the one who got hit by the rocks not his brother. 
finally they found a large branch hanging over the water. 
The older brother held the younger up so he could grab hold of the branch. 
The older brother seeing that his brother had a firm grip on the branch let go intending to grab the branch himself, however he found the his foot had gotten tangled up in some old fishing string,  so he stayed in the water. 
When mom and dad caught up with them and got the younger boy back on shore. 
Dad walked out to where his older son was and cut the fishing string loose. 
After the entire family was back on shore the exstent of the older boys wounds became known and 911 was called. 
When 911 arrived and examined the older boy they found many cut and bruises from being bashed upon the rocks and was rushed to the hospital. 
The younger boy had a few cuts, but mostly was just very very wet. 
Mom, dad, and younger son walked back to the car, and went to the hospital.
          Upon arriving they found the older son still in the ER and was told his condition was bad and getting worse. 
He was loosing more blood than they can keep inside him, and that many of the wounds had gotten infected. 
The Doctors said that they did not expect him to last much longer.  Then the nurse came out and proved them right, the boy was gone. 
Everyone cried and the doctors were thanked for doing what they could. 
The younger brother took it the hardest and blamed himself for his brothers death.

          Back home they ate supper and went to bed.  That night about midnight there came a glow in the little boy's room so bright it woke him up. 
The little boy opened his eyes to see a glowing image of his big brother standing before him. 
Before the younger brother started screaming, the big brother said "Do not be afraid, I come with a message." 
"I am on my way to Heaven to live with Jesus, but have asked to tell you this." 
"Do not hate yourself for what happed. 
I care about you very much and would not have changed a thing.  Also that I will always be with you, whenever you need me, you need not look any farther than your own heart." 

After saying this the older brother vanished, and the younger brother went back to sleep

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