Monday, September 25, 2017

Iin America

In America
A child is neglected and abanded
By people unworthy to be called their parents

Parents who stop loving
Turning their child out into the streets
Or taking them out for a drive
Just to open the door
Push them out
And drive off
Or parents who take their child on a hike
Then when the child's back is turned
They knowingly walk off
Leaving the child to fend for themselves in the wild

I could tell many many more cases
Of such tragedy

Blue and Red

Blue and red, blue and red
The police stopped you when you sped

Yo! What was going though your head

Life’s Lessons

Life’s lessons are not easy
We learn them to stand our ground
We know we’ll get through it
For another round

Lost Highway

Welcome to the lost highway
It is the highway of your life’s own journey
Therefore it is lost to everyone else

This highway
Can take you to your goal
If you are brave enough to travel it
Brave enough to destroy life’s trails and strife
To drive over the speed bumps of hatred and unkindness
To steer past the road traps of deceit and mistrust
Just waiting to jump out at you
To never underestimate the world and all it’s darkness
To shine the headlights
Of truth, justice, and your own will

The highway can take you to your goal
If you are brave enough
Journey upon it with caution and much care

Life’s Question

I wondered life’s question
I pondered life’s lessons
To find why I’m acting this way

To find the answers
To life’s great mystery
So I can live out my days

I wondered life’s lessons
I pondered life’s questions
Never have gotten an answer before
So I wonder in sorrow
To ponder the marrow
Of life’s great existence
When I still hold open

The present door


Out pour of life


To you
Peace to all
Brotherhood and joy
Peace and joy flow like a mighty river

Bang a Drum

Bang a drum
For the lost child
Bang a drum
For the abused
Bang a drum
For the broken family
Bang a drum
For the runaway
Bang a drum
For the lonely
Bang a drum
For the depressed
Bang a drum
for those contemplating suicide


Camping in the woods lots of great fun
Swing on the rope jump into lake
Fishing in the lake is fun
Pitching tent's to sleep in
Or beneath the stars

On My Swing

Back and forth
Back and forth
On the swing I fly
Higher and higher
Until I touch the sky

Nothing can touch me
Up here in the air
No one can reach so high
they must just stare


Always true
Willing to be yourself
Energized by an inner flame
Saluting the best in yourself
Over coming obstacles
Moving forward


All my life I’ve wanted to know you
Through my heart I have tried to show you
Just how much you mean to me
I’ve tried so hard to let you see

In my heart the flame still burns bright for you
Brighter than any star in the heavens
Brighter than the sun
My desire for you
Is my sun
Is my star in the heavens
That brightness guides my way
Within this dark world

They say” love may come and love may go”
 My love lasts forever with no end in sight
My love reaches beyond all human understanding

Late at night you’re the one I look for
In the dark starring out the front door
You are never there
I long for you as I have for none other
I desire you more than anything

You are my friend and yet you are more
My companion
My passion
My pure reason for living
These words don’t even come close
You mean more to me than mere words could ever say

You are the one who will make my wold come undone
This desire I have for you

Threatens my sanity


Down and out
Spirit's very low
Could use someone to talk to and listen

Enjoy Life's Journey

Life is not about the destination
Life is about the journey
Life is not about how fast you go
Life is about enjoying the ride

Life's a trip enjoy every step forward
Look around

Enjoy the view

I am the Alpha-wolf

I am the Alpha-wolf
Leader of my pack
Leader of my family
Protector of those I care about

I am the hunter-wolf
Providing all the needs around me
Providing for those who can not hunt themselves
Giving nourishment
Giving hope
Giving life


This is the night
That gobblins and gouls roam door to door
Looking for treats
Sugary sweets
To be found in candy galore

Tick or Treat is their cry
As they search  Low and high
A magical treat
Roaming the streets
On Halloween night

Colorful costumes at every turn
As the night grows on
Weary and worn
Monsters head home

to examin their score

Friends I'll never forget

The fun we had
It can't be beat
Like swimming at the lake
In the summer heat

Or having a BBQ
At the park
Shooting off fireworks
After dark

Staying up all night
Just having fun
Fainally passing out
After the rising of the sun

I could go on counting
The many good times we had
We lived our lives
I have no regrets

With friends I'll never forget


Me and dad check the cows
Every time we’ve been out
We’ve found the cows astray
So me and dad put them back in their place
Then we rebuild the fence
With my dad red in the face


As the sun rises upon this day
I know my Savior is no longer in the grave
He's alive forevermore
I will sing with joy
I will sing his praise
For my Savior is alive and well today


Alone I am sad
Forever feeling the hate
Of those once called friends
Family has turned away to
Forever lost and scared

Let's go on a magic carpet ride

Let's go on a magic carpet ride
Fly through the air
See new places
See new faces
Our imagination has no limits

Let's go on a magic carpet ride
See castles
Meet kings ans Queens
Find dragons
Lost gold
And other wonderful things

Let's go on a magic carpet ride
Go and go and go

No stopping now

Don’t Laugh at me

Don’t laugh at me
For I am not worth the energy
Yes. I am different than you
However I am human to

Don’t laugh at me
For you do not understand
Though I was born with this problem
I am still a man

Your laughter hurts
With a pain in my soul
It has stopped there
It wont let go

You laugh at me
Like it’s fun
I would rather you just run
To leave me alone
Go away
Your words hurt in such a way
It fills like a thousand knives
Just split open my side

Don’t laugh at me
Let’s be friends


Good food for
All to enjoy
Cook to create joy
Among friends with
Laughter and
Much joy


Beyond the presents
Beyond the toys
Beyond the food
Beyond the noise

This day is special
As special as can be

So beyond everything
This holiday brings
Remember what it truly means


Space cat

  there was a little cat of the furry sort and he used to dream he was an astronaut climbing in his rocket heading to the stars landing down...