Friday, September 22, 2017

Biker Mike (Short Story)

Hello my name is Mike or Biker Mike as some people call me.  I ride a motorcycle, wear a jean jacket, sunglasses, and a bandana around my head.  I used to be part of a gang known for causing trouble.  Been in and out of jail a few times.  Yes I have tatoos.
          I have turned my life around.  I left the gang. I travel around the country helping those who need it. I still go to bike rallies, but stop along the way to help people in need, and really don't even care if I even make it to the rally.  I have been to many schools to talk about the dangers of being part of a gang.

          The whole Biker Mike thing came around one day I had stopped to help this guy change a flat tire.  After assuring him I was only there to help, and introducing myself, He agreed to let me help.  When we finished, We shook hands, I climbed back on my bike.  Just before I took off, His little boy stuck his haed out the window and said"Thanks Biker Mike."  I thought it was cute.  The next Time I went to help a farmer haul hay.  He asked me my name I told him it was Mike, but if he wanted to he could call me Biker Mike.  That is how it started, people have been calling me Biker Mike ever since.

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  Sunflowers in the field Standing tall Standing still Like guards keeping watch Over the farm And it's flock