Tuesday, September 5, 2017

I am Human

I am human
I reach for the highest plains of humanity
I am one with the deepest regions of the soul
My truest self
In all ways
In all forms
In all types

I reach for the goal
However I fall short every time
I try and I try
I still do not succeed
If I never give up
No matter how much I want to
I will one day reach the top

All the pain
All the joy
All the sorrow
All the fun
I am not perfect
Yes at times I mess up
If I learn from my mistakes
I am better for it

I am limited by this body
In what I can and can not do
I am limitless in my imagination
So I can do all things
The power of the mind
The power of the body
When they work together
Anything can be done

I Am Human

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