Friday, September 22, 2017

I Write

I write therefor I am
I write so others may understand
In all truth and humanity
This complex thing I call Tony

I write for the emotional pain
This pain haunts me everyday
I write to help free my soul
Before the darkness takes a hold

I write for the joys in my life
These joy were fought for through my strife
I write to give my heart a way to sing
Forever the song shall rise with these heart strings

I write for the truth to be seen
So one can see life is not as bad as they believe
I write for others going through strife
Hoping my words can help them get by

I write for fear of lost goals
I say hold on to those goals and never let go
I write for fear of the unknown
Someday it will be a story told

I write for those who need a voice to speak
To bring down those who sit upon the highest peaks
I write for my own voice to be heard
For others to know what I believe and the lessons I’ve learned

I write for those who wish to be free
For those in lands held in captivity
I write to let my spirit soar
Out of this body and through that open door

I write to bring peace
In hope someday all fighting will cease
I write for my own battle’s end

So that I may see my long lost friend .

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