Wednesday, October 25, 2017


Sometimes your words hold meaning

Sometimes your words are like
A fart in the wind
No one heard them

No one cares

Lost Children

They live on the street
Children hungry and homeless
Runaways they are
To escape abuse at home

Now they live begging for help


Gifts wrapped
String of lights

To all friends and family Merry Christmas


Combining flavors and spices
The sizzling of the pan
The boiling of water
Music in the kitchen

The smell of the food
The preparation
The sound of Chopping
A wonderful time in the house

Peace with yourself
The peace and joy of creating
Creating meals
Creating joy

The love of food
The joy of food
The comfort of food


The Dream (Short Story)

Last night I had a strange dream.  It was loosely based on "The Christmas Carol."  Except the tree ghosts were played by farm animals.  The ghost of Christmas past was a duck.  I asked' Haven't I seen you on my Grandma's pond?" It answered"You may have seen some of my brothers and sisters, but not I."  The ghost of Christmas present was a giant pig.  though the pig was not fat, but was the length of two football felds, and as tall as the Empire State Building.  I said thad would like to put those ribs in the smoker.  He replied" You leave my ribs alone."  I then asked if I could have some bacon, and ham. He replied " Touch my but and I will poop on you."  The ghost of Christmas yet to come was played by a cow, who never said a word untill we got to the cemetary and he pointed at the tombstone.  I bent down moved a few weeds and read the words " GOT MILK"  I looked behind me recited the words, the hood flies back revealing a cow of flesh and bone.  With a crazy look in it's eyes and in a strange yet funny voice it replied 'Why, Yes I Do."  Then started spraying me with milk from it's udder.  That is when I woke up laughing.  That is also why I got up at four am to type this,  now I am going back to bed.  HOPEFULLY


Heart hurts so


I raise my banner high and proud
I sing your praises to the crowd
All praise and honor is his

I blast my trumpet loud and strong
To make his music all day long
Wave the banner
Keep the beat
Let’s praise God in the streets

is the word to shout
Shouting his praises all about
Play the flutes
Bang the drums

This praise song has just begun


Sitting on my Grandpa's lap
Driving the truck through the fields
Enjoying the time
Spent with Grandpa
Are forever etched upon my mind

Later sitting in the driver's seat
Placed behind the wheel
Boy! you really can't beat the way this feels

My grandpa
Sitting next to me
Giving me instructions
On how to drive

Times like these were magic

Forever holding a place in my heart


Rain or shine my love you will find
Through thick and thin I”ll always be your friend 
Down on your knees you can count on me 
Through hard times I’m always by your side

The Man In Red

There is a man all dressed in red
His cloak shows of a million blood shed
 I try to leave but he won’t let me go
His eyes show with a fiery glow
The pitch fork in his hand glows with a heat I can not stand

This is a man of trouble and of sorrow and will inflict it on everyone you know

I believe

I believe in
God the father almighty
Creator of Haven and Earth
I believe in
Jesus Christ his son my Lord
I believe in
The Holy Spirit
The keeper of life
The constant reminder of
God’s love and mercy

I believe
In myself
In the power within my heart
The spirit within my soul
I believe
Nothing is impossible
All can be done
All can be achieved
As long as
I set my mind to it

I believe
In humanity
Both in goodness
As well as destruction
I believe
The human spirit

I believe
In love
I believe
In the uncharted realms of life
The truth that lies within
The desire of the heart

I believe
In true love
I believe
In true passion
I believe
In the eternal calling
That is within the human soul


While washing dishes
A thousand eyes watch
Clinging to the kitchen window
They stare

Eternal Flame

The flame is still strong
And the light is burning bright
as it did when you ignited it
On our very first night.

This unbridled passion
Still lives in my soul
and the physical attraction
I’m still unable to control.

Mind-boggling emotions
Still envelope my being
As it gazes upon your enticing form

Our years have not diminished
And our love is still there
The way we stay true
To the honesty we share.

Bestowed this wondrous gift
From the universal unknown
we are rewarded with happiness
in our devotion that’s shown.

So I look at you now
with a little more age in your face
but as beautiful as ever
as you've aged with such grace.

I am blessed to have had you
For so many wonderful years
So full of joy and happiness
It brings me to tears.

I love you even more
Than that very first day
And grateful that through the years
You've decided to stay.

Every day with you is a pleasure
And not one of them is the same
But one thing has been constant

It’s my loves eternal flame.

Be True

Be true to
Yourself and
Those you love


Dandelions may be weeds
They are awfully pretty
The brightness of the bloom
Will always make you smile
So next time you see a dandelion
Look at the flower
In all it's glory


Step out of the dark
So better for you to see
The world before you


Make peace not war
Don’t close life’s open door

The Voice of the Poet

The voice of the poet is calling
Are you listening
This voice comes from within
From the core of the human soul
The voice of the poet is calling
Are you listening

Everyone is a poet
They just need to hear the voice
A poem need not rhyme
It just must be true to your thoughts
Your feelings
The voice of the poet is calling
Are you listening

The voice erupts deep from within the human soul
The human spirit is the poem in it’s simplest form
As the poem builds in the heart
The spirit prepares to take flight
The poem is released and it is heard
The voice of the poet is calling
The voice of the poet always rings true

The voice has called from the beginning of time
The dawn of creation
In all it’s brightness
In all it’s radiance

The voice of the poet calls
Will you answer
I ask again
The voice of the poet calls
Will you answer

Mysteries of Life

The mysteries of life
Simply go by
Without anyone seeing them

If we took time
To see those great sights

The whole cosmos would be explained to them

The Line

The line goes on forever
For there is never a
Connection left untouched

The line is forever going
On for miles and miles
Without stop
Without end

Without disconnection

I Think

I think therefore I am
I think
I mean I hope so
I’m sure that’s right

I am therefore I think
I think so anyway
I am what
I think
I am not sure

Am I even here
Where is here
Does it think it’s here
Am I only here because I think I’m here
What if I thought I was there
Would I still be here

Where is there
Does it still exist without me being there
Would it still be there if I stopped thinking about there
Am I there and just don’t know it
Could I be there just by thinking I was there
Where is there
Could it be here

I think therefore I am
I am therefore I think

I think I’m lost

One Thousand Candles

One thousand candles
Burning in the dark
Their light shines
For the lives that were lost

Lives of hope
Lives with dreams
Death met them
Their light extinguished
From the world

One thousand candles
Souls lifted to heaven
One thousand candles
Glow in the dark

Though the light of those souls
Shine for this would no more
Their light shines on
Within our hearts

One thousand candles
Souls lifted to heaven


Space cat

  there was a little cat of the furry sort and he used to dream he was an astronaut climbing in his rocket heading to the stars landing down...