Wednesday, October 4, 2017

Blinded By The Light

Playfully dancing
Around this strange light
Like a beacon it shines
On this warm and dark night.

Calling us close
From our summer night flight
It’s beautiful radiance
Fills all of our sight
And its hypnotic allure
We are unable to fight.

Mindlessly circling
And not understanding of why,
But endlessly around
The strange light we all fly.

Transfixed by its wonder
And a need to get near
But not daring to do so
Because it’s our death we all fear.

But its pull is too strong
On the weak minds, and their will
This beautiful strange light
Who’s only purpose is to kill

So after many of tries
By the weak and unwise
With a zap and a spark
It takes their short lives

A Moth and a Beetle
Even a few fireflies
It saddens us all to hear
Their last painful cries

So cautiously we circle
The light on the wall
Until the dawn finally comes
And releases us all

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