Wednesday, October 11, 2017

Don't build walls

Don't build up walls around your heart
Don't put up anything that holds us apart
To live without your love
Would be like living in a wasteland
Nothing to comfort me
Nothing to help drive me forward
Upon the desolate roads and alleyways
Ever seeking the love
I know is not there

Don't build up walls around your heart
Don't shut me out
I have tried to prove my love tor you
In every way I know how
Please don't shut me out
Please don't go away
The loneliness is cold
It chills my bones
Knowing I will no longer
Have your love any more

Don't build walls around your heart
Let me remain
Let me forever be a part of your life
I know life has treated you harshly
I want to help
I want to erase the pain

To start a new life together

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