Leave a gate open
The cows Go right through
Herd them to the gate
They have not idea what to do
Writing poetry and short stories to let people take a peek inside my mind. I also do videos, take pictures, and like to cook and share tips on cooking
Friday, May 18, 2018
Take life
To the highest
Hold nothing back
Be your truest self
Push yourself
Beyond your limits
To the highest
Hold nothing back
Be your truest self
Push yourself
Beyond your limits
Thursday, May 17, 2018
Light the flame of peace
Within this dark world
Show true compassion to all
Peace, love, and brotherhood
Within this dark world
Show true compassion to all
Peace, love, and brotherhood
In the corner of her room
She sits with head between her legs
She has been abused
By those she called family and friends
By those
She was supposed to trust
Trust, yeah right, whatever
Those demons stole from her
Those demons tore her soul to shreds
In the corner of her room
She sits with head between her legs
She does not cry
For crying would let them win
Give them a victory
She can not
She will not allow
She sits with head between her legs
She has been abused
By those she called family and friends
By those
She was supposed to trust
Trust, yeah right, whatever
Those demons stole from her
Those demons tore her soul to shreds
In the corner of her room
She sits with head between her legs
She does not cry
For crying would let them win
Give them a victory
She can not
She will not allow
I am free
I am free
Free to write
Free to explore
Free to dream
I am free to write
My feelings
My thoughts
No holding back
No restraints
Letting my emotions flow
Telling the world around me
Just what I think about it
I am free to explore
To blaze new trails
For the excitement of this journey
We call life
Finding new places
Meeting new faces
I am free to dream
Reach for my goals
To never give up
To never let go
Free to write
Free to explore
Free to dream
I am free to write
My feelings
My thoughts
No holding back
No restraints
Letting my emotions flow
Telling the world around me
Just what I think about it
I am free to explore
To blaze new trails
For the excitement of this journey
We call life
Finding new places
Meeting new faces
I am free to dream
Reach for my goals
To never give up
To never let go
Time marching forward
Time marching on
You can not stop
The hands of time from turning
No matter how hard you try
So make the most of it
Live every
As if it were your last
Live every
To its fullest
Hold nothing back
Let lose all bonds
Be free as the wind blows
Let your spirit soar
Time marching on
You can not stop
The hands of time from turning
No matter how hard you try
So make the most of it
Live every
As if it were your last
Live every
To its fullest
Hold nothing back
Let lose all bonds
Be free as the wind blows
Let your spirit soar
Wednesday, May 16, 2018
Just a thought
The human race
Is like a big pot of soup
If we were all the same
That soup would taste very bland
It is the differences between us
That gives that soup
It is the differences between us
That makes that soup interesting
That gives that soup life
So instead of fighting each other
We need to
Celebrate each other
Is like a big pot of soup
If we were all the same
That soup would taste very bland
It is the differences between us
That gives that soup
It is the differences between us
That makes that soup interesting
That gives that soup life
So instead of fighting each other
We need to
Celebrate each other
You are my God
You are my king
You are my everything
You saved me from my sins
Time and time again
You have never given up on me
No matter what I have done
You open your arms
That I may be wrapped
Into your embrace
To be forgiven
To be brought back into your family
I praise you
I lift my voice and sing
For there is nothing
I would rather do
May my song be pleasing to you
May my worship be pleasing to you
For I want to live for you
So that one day
I may live with you
Take my hardened heart
Take my soul
Melt them
Refine them
Rebuild them
Into tools worthy of your purpose
That I may
Reach out to the lost
Heal the wounded
Comfort the hurting
Feed the hungry
So that I may reach out to those
And many many more
So they can feel your love
So they can come home
You are my God
You are my king
You are my everything
You saved me from my sins
Time and time again
You have never given up on me
No matter what I have done
You open your arms
That I may be wrapped
Into your embrace
To be forgiven
To be brought back into your family
I praise you
I lift my voice and sing
For there is nothing
I would rather do
May my song be pleasing to you
May my worship be pleasing to you
For I want to live for you
So that one day
I may live with you
Take my hardened heart
Take my soul
Melt them
Refine them
Rebuild them
Into tools worthy of your purpose
That I may
Reach out to the lost
Heal the wounded
Comfort the hurting
Feed the hungry
So that I may reach out to those
And many many more
So they can feel your love
So they can come home
Sunday, May 13, 2018
Rag doll
A rag doll
That's what she is
Or at least what she feels like
After yet another beating
Tossed against the wall
Again and again
After he is done throwing her
The fists come pounding
Now she lays on the floor
In a heap
Pain surging through her
That's what she is
Or at least what she feels like
After yet another beating
Tossed against the wall
Again and again
After he is done throwing her
The fists come pounding
Now she lays on the floor
In a heap
Pain surging through her
I Feel Alone
I feel alone
A cold chill surrounds me
Cutting me off
From the outside world
I feel alone
Lost in a
Mental and emotional fog
I hear voices all around
I see faces all around
But they all seem far away
I feel alone
Even in a crowded room
Even with with family members
I feel alone
Like a bubble
Keeps me from joining
A bubble that refuses to be popped
I feel alone
Locked in a room
With walls that reach
High into the sky
People I hear
But can't see
I feel alone
Like the invisible man
I stand in a crowd
No one seems notice
A cold chill surrounds me
Cutting me off
From the outside world
I feel alone
Lost in a
Mental and emotional fog
I hear voices all around
I see faces all around
But they all seem far away
I feel alone
Even in a crowded room
Even with with family members
I feel alone
Like a bubble
Keeps me from joining
A bubble that refuses to be popped
I feel alone
Locked in a room
With walls that reach
High into the sky
People I hear
But can't see
I feel alone
Like the invisible man
I stand in a crowd
No one seems notice
To cook
To dance within the kitchen
Putting together
Spices and flavors
As we move to the rhythm
Of the meal
To dance within the kitchen
Putting together
Spices and flavors
As we move to the rhythm
Of the meal
Friday, May 11, 2018
Don't just have sex with me
Rape me
Ravage me
Tear me to shreds
Like the wild beast
I know you are
Don't just make love to me
Share with me
The passion of your soul
Share with me
The knowledge of creation
Rip me part
Rebuild me
With your love making
Rape me
Ravage me
Tear me to shreds
Like the wild beast
I know you are
Don't just make love to me
Share with me
The passion of your soul
Share with me
The knowledge of creation
Rip me part
Rebuild me
With your love making
The Dog
Look at that tail fly
Back and forth
Back and forth
Someone's happy to see me
Jump up and down
A greeting like this is awesome
I pat you on the head
That tail swings faster
Excited I'm home
After a long day gone
Back and forth
Back and forth
Someone's happy to see me
Jump up and down
A greeting like this is awesome
I pat you on the head
That tail swings faster
Excited I'm home
After a long day gone
In the corner of his room
He sits
He cries
The tears flowing down his face
Like a mighty flood
Laughed at
Beat up
He is broken
He is torn
He is hurting
He sits
He cries
The tears flowing down his face
Like a mighty flood
Laughed at
Beat up
He is broken
He is torn
He is hurting
Tree of faith (holy teaching)
Jeusu is the trunk of the tree
As Christians, we are the branches
The Holy Spirit flows through
The branches
When we talk to people about Christ
We have created fruit for the tree
As that person grows in their faith
They themselves become new Branches
To bear new fruit
As Christians, we are the branches
The Holy Spirit flows through
The branches
When we talk to people about Christ
We have created fruit for the tree
As that person grows in their faith
They themselves become new Branches
To bear new fruit
Tuesday, May 8, 2018
Day by day
Day by day
Our love sliped away
It turned cold as ice
When it used to heat up the night
Day by day
We fell out of love for each other
It is not that we stopped
Caring or loving
It is hard to explain what happened
Hard to put into words
What went wrong
Day by day
We started living an illusion
Of the passion
We once had for each other
Going through the motions
Putting on a show
Day by day
Our love started to crumble
Shatter into a million tiny fragments
Of what used to be
The joy
The happiness
The feelings of a warm embrace
Day by day
It all died
Those feelings and emotions
Washed down river
Never to return
Our love sliped away
It turned cold as ice
When it used to heat up the night
Day by day
We fell out of love for each other
It is not that we stopped
Caring or loving
It is hard to explain what happened
Hard to put into words
What went wrong
Day by day
We started living an illusion
Of the passion
We once had for each other
Going through the motions
Putting on a show
Day by day
Our love started to crumble
Shatter into a million tiny fragments
Of what used to be
The joy
The happiness
The feelings of a warm embrace
Day by day
It all died
Those feelings and emotions
Washed down river
Never to return
Children living in the streets
Cardboard boxes
Under bridges
They have no one they can trust
Everyone they had trusted
Had let them down
Some emotionally
Some physically
Some in ways I Will not speak
These children are runaways
Running from the evil that haunts them
Running from the society
That has done them wrong
Some children
Instead of running
Choose to take their own lives
For they feel
That no matter what the do
They are trapped
Death is the only escape
Children living in the streets
Cardboard boxes
Under bridges
Cardboard boxes
Under bridges
They have no one they can trust
Everyone they had trusted
Had let them down
Some emotionally
Some physically
Some in ways I Will not speak
These children are runaways
Running from the evil that haunts them
Running from the society
That has done them wrong
Some children
Instead of running
Choose to take their own lives
For they feel
That no matter what the do
They are trapped
Death is the only escape
Children living in the streets
Cardboard boxes
Under bridges
A toast to life
A toast for overcoming troubles
Raise your glasses
Raise them high
Life has it's problems
But with friends like you
Life's problems are small
A toast to life
A toast to friendship
Life long friends
New friends
It doesn't matter
You're all welcome into the circle
Come laugh
Come sing
Come join in fellowship
We raise our glasses to all
A toast to life
A toast to love
Love is a great emotion
Passionate and true
True love
Will always find a way
Love is amazing
Love is awesome
Raise your glasses high
For the love of friends
For the love of family
For the love of all
A toast to life
A toast to memories
Laugh out loud memories
Moments of peaceful conversations
The birth of a child
The graduation of a child
Days spent at the lake
We toast
We raise our glasses
For memories made at a moment
Will last a lifetime
A toast for overcoming troubles
Raise your glasses
Raise them high
Life has it's problems
But with friends like you
Life's problems are small
A toast to life
A toast to friendship
Life long friends
New friends
It doesn't matter
You're all welcome into the circle
Come laugh
Come sing
Come join in fellowship
We raise our glasses to all
A toast to life
A toast to love
Love is a great emotion
Passionate and true
True love
Will always find a way
Love is amazing
Love is awesome
Raise your glasses high
For the love of friends
For the love of family
For the love of all
A toast to life
A toast to memories
Laugh out loud memories
Moments of peaceful conversations
The birth of a child
The graduation of a child
Days spent at the lake
We toast
We raise our glasses
For memories made at a moment
Will last a lifetime
Just as I am Lord
You"ve accepted me
Brought me into the fold
You didn't wait
For me to get my act straight
You thew open your arms
To accept this sinner
For a sinner I am
No matter
I am human
I make mistakes
Yet you love me
I thank you
I praise you
I love you
My everything
You"ve accepted me
Brought me into the fold
You didn't wait
For me to get my act straight
You thew open your arms
To accept this sinner
For a sinner I am
No matter
I am human
I make mistakes
Yet you love me
I thank you
I praise you
I love you
My everything
He cries
With a black eye
Bloody nose
He cries
The salt from his tears
Sting upon his wounds
Piles of crap
They did this to him
The bullies thought it was a joke
Now he bleeds
Now he cries
At home
Safe from the torment
At home in the corner of his room
With a black eye
Bloody nose
He cries
The salt from his tears
Sting upon his wounds
Piles of crap
They did this to him
The bullies thought it was a joke
Now he bleeds
Now he cries
At home
Safe from the torment
At home in the corner of his room
Dance with joy
Dance with passion
Dance your heart out
Move to the
Rhythm and beat of life
Dance with joy
Dance with passion
Dance your heart out
Move to the
Rhythm and beat of life
Raise your voice
Let the music in soul
Let the music in your heart
Pour forth
In a mighty sound
Sing with joy
Sing with passion
It does not matter how well
Just sing
Raise your voice
Let the music in soul
Let the music in your heart
Pour forth
In a mighty sound
Sing with joy
Sing with passion
It does not matter how well
Just sing
Monday, May 7, 2018
The Prayer
Lord in Heaven
I bow before you
Asking for mercy
From my sins
I know I have wronged you
I know I have wronged your people
Much darkness
Much corruption
Was spread by my two hands
I had my forces
Wipe out many
They killed
They plundered
At my very word
Now I see the error of my ways
I ask forgiveness
I wish to live my life
For you and you alone
I give my life for you
I give my life to you
Mold it
Shape it
Refine it
From this horrific beast
Into a member of your family
No matter what I did
No matter how much pain I caused
You never gave up on me
You did not leave me in the wilderness
I praise you
I glorify you
All I want is to know you more
All I want now
Is to be with you
Side by side
As we walked down the path of life
Teach me your ways
Instill in me your spirit
So I may never turn back
So I may continue
Upon this path
You have set before me
I bow before you
Asking for mercy
From my sins
I know I have wronged you
I know I have wronged your people
Much darkness
Much corruption
Was spread by my two hands
I had my forces
Wipe out many
They killed
They plundered
At my very word
Now I see the error of my ways
I ask forgiveness
I wish to live my life
For you and you alone
I give my life for you
I give my life to you
Mold it
Shape it
Refine it
From this horrific beast
Into a member of your family
No matter what I did
No matter how much pain I caused
You never gave up on me
You did not leave me in the wilderness
I praise you
I glorify you
All I want is to know you more
All I want now
Is to be with you
Side by side
As we walked down the path of life
Teach me your ways
Instill in me your spirit
So I may never turn back
So I may continue
Upon this path
You have set before me
Fly be Free
Be Free
Hold nothing back
Let loose all bonds
Be free
Let your spirit sour
High into the clouds
Be free
Be your true self
Walk your own path
Blaze a new trail
Be free
To never be held down again
Be free
To release built up energy
To electrify your life
As well as all those around you
Be free
Unleash your potential
Your truest form
Your heart
Your soul
For the world to see
Be free
Say to the world
I am here
I live
I love
I don't matter
Be Free
Hold nothing back
Let loose all bonds
Be free
Let your spirit sour
High into the clouds
Be free
Be your true self
Walk your own path
Blaze a new trail
Be free
To never be held down again
Be free
To release built up energy
To electrify your life
As well as all those around you
Be free
Unleash your potential
Your truest form
Your heart
Your soul
For the world to see
Be free
Say to the world
I am here
I live
I love
I don't matter
The Flower Garden
Flowers grow
And many other colors
And many other shapes and sizes
They are pretty
They smell sweet
A winding stone path
Leads you through the garden
A fountain stands
In the middle of the garden
Birdfeeders hang from the trees
This is the best flower garden
In the world
A great place to rest
A great place to relax
A great place to reflect
And many other colors
And many other shapes and sizes
They are pretty
They smell sweet
A winding stone path
Leads you through the garden
A fountain stands
In the middle of the garden
Birdfeeders hang from the trees
This is the best flower garden
In the world
A great place to rest
A great place to relax
A great place to reflect
Tear down the wall
Tear down the wall
Destroy that which
Keeps you from reaching your goal
Aim for your goals
Let nothing stand in your way
Tear down the wall
Get rid of everything
That's separates people
From one another
We are all human
Destroy that which
Keeps you from reaching your goal
Aim for your goals
Let nothing stand in your way
Tear down the wall
Get rid of everything
That's separates people
From one another
We are all human
Stand up
Stand up
For the truth
Stand up
For your rights
Do not let others
Push you around
You are not a puppet on a string
Fight back
Take control
Don't let others
Determine your path in life
Forge your own
Blaze a new trail
Stand up for your rights
Don't be a puppet on a string
Doing what others tell you
Break that string
Walk away
Find your true self
For the truth
Stand up
For your rights
Do not let others
Push you around
You are not a puppet on a string
Fight back
Take control
Don't let others
Determine your path in life
Forge your own
Blaze a new trail
Stand up for your rights
Don't be a puppet on a string
Doing what others tell you
Break that string
Walk away
Find your true self
Have sex with me
Share with me your true self
Bear to me your naked soul
For one night
Become one with me
Hold me within your warm embrace
Our naked bodies
Move to the rhythm
Of life
Of the universe
Of the whole of creation
We move
We sweat
We moan
We pant
As we dance within the bed
Throwing off the covers
So nothing can hinder our pleasure
At the climatic moment
Pure ecstasy
Pure emotional bliss
One with each other
One with creation
One with the cosmos
The deed done
We lay upon our pillows
As sleep overtakes us
Share with me your true self
Bear to me your naked soul
For one night
Become one with me
Hold me within your warm embrace
Our naked bodies
Move to the rhythm
Of life
Of the universe
Of the whole of creation
We move
We sweat
We moan
We pant
As we dance within the bed
Throwing off the covers
So nothing can hinder our pleasure
At the climatic moment
Pure ecstasy
Pure emotional bliss
One with each other
One with creation
One with the cosmos
The deed done
We lay upon our pillows
As sleep overtakes us
Don't Fit
I don't seem to fit in
With family
With friends
I just don't seem to belong
I feel like that one puzzle piece
You can never seem to find a spot for
I stick out
I am out of place
To really put a handle on this feeling
I cannot
I feel empty
I feel lonely
Even in a crowd
I seem to be alone
With family
With friends
I just don't seem to belong
I feel like that one puzzle piece
You can never seem to find a spot for
I stick out
I am out of place
To really put a handle on this feeling
I cannot
I feel empty
I feel lonely
Even in a crowd
I seem to be alone
Poetry Is
Poetry is the language of the soul
Unbridled emotions
Raw passion
Poetry is life
Without bonds
Without borders
Without concern for the judgement of others
Poetry is
It can build a person up
Tear that person to shreds
Unbridled emotions
Raw passion
Poetry is life
Without bonds
Without borders
Without concern for the judgement of others
Poetry is
It can build a person up
Tear that person to shreds
The Sky's the Limit
The Sky's the limit
Reach for your dreams
Never give up
No matter how hard things seem
The Sky's the limit
Go for the goal
Reach for the highest
Once you grasp it
Never let go
The Sky's the limit
Stretch your wings and fly
You never will fail
If you continue to try
Reach for your dreams
Never give up
No matter how hard things seem
The Sky's the limit
Go for the goal
Reach for the highest
Once you grasp it
Never let go
The Sky's the limit
Stretch your wings and fly
You never will fail
If you continue to try
Tuesday, May 1, 2018
Here We Go
Life is a highway, life is a road, life is a journey, so here I go
Life can go fast, life can go slow, life
has slipped by, so here I go
All it takes is just one step then let
your feat do the rest
So get in your car, in your boat, or in
your plane and let’s go
Don't build walls
Don't build up walls
around your heart
Don't put up
anything that holds us apart
To live without your
Would be like living
in a wasteland
Nothing to comfort
Nothing to help
drive me forward
Upon the desserted
roads and alleyways
Ever seaking the
I know is not there
Don't bulid up walls
around your heart
Don't shut me out
I have tried to
prove my love tor you
In everyway I know
Please don't shut me
Please don't go away
The lonliness is
It chills my bones
Knowing I will no
Have your love any
Don't build walls
around your heart
Let me remain
Let me forever be a
part of your life
I know life has delt
you harshly
I want to help
I want to erase the
To start a new life
Hot dogs on the grill roasting Marshmellows making smores
Hay on the wagon ready for the ride this evening
Much fun hadat the hayride lots of fun had by everyone
Come to the manger
Hear the Angels sing
Redemption for all
Is born
Side by side
The cattle and sheep
Morning Glory
Salvation upon this
Sharing Christ (Holy Teaching)
I share Christ with others because I believe that in him we see and
understand who God is, and Who we are meant to be.
I share Christ with others because I believe he teaches about the love,
mercy, and grace of God. From him we
learn about Sacrificial love. In him we
experience forgiveness and mercy.
I tell other about Christ because I believe he is the way, the truth, and
the life.I believe in Christ because he has changed my life, so that the
richest and most meaningful parts of my life are somehow made so by him
I share Christ with others because I want them to knowthat God already
loves them, and that Christ offers both the truth about God and God's will for
I share Christ with others because in Christwe hear the good newsof God's
sacrificial love, of the foregiveness of sins, and the hope of everlasting life
Word of God (Bible Study)
Instead you delight in the word of God. You study scripture day and night. You're a tree replanted in Eden. Who bears fresh fruit every mounth. Never dropping a leaf, always in bloom.
They that dwell upon God's word and study it daily. Can not be moved by the things of this
word. No matter how hard or with what
this world throws at them. They remain
steadfast in God
The sun shines in
the morning
The mist rises from
the dew
The Earth awakens
once again
Morning happiness
Merry Christmas
Merry Christmas
Big and small
Merry Christmas
One and all
Merry Christmas
With great big cheer
Merry Christmas
For all to hear
Merry Christmas
With a great big
For that is where it
all starts
Be a friend you never know
Whose life you may change light the
Flame of friendship so that
All may walk in peace
Dream on
Dream on
Dream High
Achieve your goals
Reach for the sky
Dream on
Let nothing stand in
your way
Dream on
Let the world know
you have something to say
Break from the box
Stray from the crowd
Find your own path
Live your life NOW
Life is good
Life is fun
Life is best lived out in the sun
Just untie this rope and let me run
Fixing the fence
Milking the cows
Pushing the plow
Work is never done
For the man on the family farm
I wake half past five
I thank the Lord for being alive
Nothing like the farming life
If I had it any other way
I would not change a single thing
Life is good way the hay is growing
Standing on a hill the wind blowing briskly through my hair
Leaves falling to the ground in a grand display of grace and beauty
Autum has arrived in it's grand glorious fashion
The Madman
There he stands
Moon light shining in through the window pane
His hair is a wild mane
His eyes have that crazed stare
He laughs
No, He cackles
the sound is like fingernails on a chalkboard
My ears ache at the sound
He is a madman true
crazier than the craziest loon
He babbles
though you can not tell what he says
He looks like he hasn't sean a tub for a year
Dirty and smelly he is
He has a madman's beard
As crazy as the hair on his head
He is a scientist
or he claims to be
experiments on
human beings
He is mad
He is crazy
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Space cat
there was a little cat of the furry sort and he used to dream he was an astronaut climbing in his rocket heading to the stars landing down...

The evils of this World hold you by a leash to Stay in controll
They were fools to interrupt this day My day Where I was to be wed to the man I love Did they not think I would be armed Did they not thin...
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