Tuesday, May 1, 2018

Sharing Christ (Holy Teaching)

I share Christ with others because I believe that in him we see and understand who God is, and Who we are meant to be.
I share Christ with others because I believe he teaches about the love, mercy, and grace of God.  From him we learn about Sacrificial love.  In him we experience forgiveness and mercy.
I tell other about Christ because I believe he is the way, the truth, and the life.I believe in Christ because he has changed my life, so that the richest and most meaningful parts of my life are somehow made so by him
I share Christ with others because I want them to knowthat God already loves them, and that Christ offers both the truth about God and God's will for humanity
I share Christ with others because in Christwe hear the good newsof God's sacrificial love, of the foregiveness of sins, and the hope of everlasting life

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