Wednesday, October 3, 2018


Thunder loudly claps
As lightning strikes tree near by
Rain falls heavily

The Batter

Here on base
Bat in my hand
Focused and ready
I have taken my stand

The pitcher on the mound
Ball in his hand
Waits for the signal
From the catcher's hand

The pitcher looks left
The pitcher looks right
Then the pitcher winds up
Sending the ball into flight

Closer it comes
Floating in air
Untill it reaches the home plate
Then "CRACK" it's out of here

Faster and faster
It spins up and up
It flys past the fence
"HOME RUN"  what luck


I stand for my rights
I stand for the rights of those
Who can not make the
Stand themselves everyone has
A voice let that voice be heard


I love you
My heart sings
With much joy


Live each day
As if it were your last
Live each moment
Live each second
Let nothing be wasted
Live in fullfillment of your dreams
Reach for the highest
Never hold back

Live happy
Live through the sad
You will become better for the fight
Just Live


Grace flows from you
Out pour of your love
Deep wells of grace

Ears Eyes Lips

God gave you ears to hear
God gave you eyes to see
God gave you lips to speak

See the glory of God with your eyes
Hear the voice of God with your ears
Speak the word of God with your lips


Upon the cross he hung for our sins
For our salvation he bled and died
He rose to Heaven so we may
Live with him among the clouds
In glory we shall live
Forever singing
Praises to his
Holy name
I can't

The Storms of Life

As the storm comes and the rain fall
The ground gets water and the crops begin to grow
Soon comes the harvest
the feast, and the enjoyment of all
The storms in our lives is like a rain storm
That brings the water to our faith
As our faith is watered it begins to sprout up crops
At harvest time those crops
Are shared with everyone around
All those around can see
The glory and promise of God

Life Gone

I have lived a pretty reckless life
This has caused
Lots of pain and strife
I ponder if I can live that way
My desire is such a pain

I give it my all everyday
I fight the fight
I never sway
I never give in
I never give up
I take on the challenge of life
I never do hide


Cold is the the heart that
does not have love inside of
It's inner chambers

Never give up

Stop doubting yourself
Believe in what you can do
For there is nothing
You can't accomplish
Give it all you got
Never give up

Go For It

Rise up go for the goal life
Has placed upon your path beat
The odds every step of the
Way to the finish

The Clearing

Down the path
over rocks and fallen trees
Across the creak
Past the wild rosebush
Under trees of Oak, Cider, and Elm
There is a clearing in the woods
A little spot surounded by trees
A stump to sit on
To think
To contemplate life
Or just enjoy the quite
To watch mother nature do her work

This is my spot
This clearing in the woods
My own little hiding place


Bees buzzing around the flowers collecting flowers
Birds flying high in the sky or pearched on a telephone wire
Rabbit racing upon the ground as deer run past

The Door

There is a door at the top of the stairs
No one enters
No one dares

What lies beyond the door
I'd hate to find out
Maybe it's a bathroom
Someone forgot to clean out

Maybe the room is full of
And Gouls
Ready to scare me and you

Maybe a mad scientist lurks about
or maybe there are the bones of some dead man
Left there by some madman
of that I would have no dout

Or maybe it's just an unused room

My list

My list keeps getting longer
I try to cut it down
But just as I finish one task
Another Task comes around

My list just keeps growing
There seems no end
I check them off
As I get them done
Crap, is that broke again

My list is never ending
At least it seems that way
Littel by littel
I make a dent
Upon the list each day

Jesus Calms The Storm (Bible Study)

Mark 4: 35-41

 On that day, when evening had come, he said to them, “Let us go across to the other side.”  And leaving the crowd, they took him with them in the boat, just as he was. And other boats were with him.  And a great windstorm arose, and the waves were breaking into the boat, so that the boat was already filling.  But he was in the stern, asleep on the cushion. And they woke him and said to him, “Teacher, do you not care that we are perishing?”  And he awoke and rebuked the wind and said to the sea, “Peace! Be still!” And the wind ceased, and there was a great calm.  He said to them, “Why are you so afraid? Have you still no faith?”  And they were filled with great fear and said to one another, “Who then is this, that even the wind and the sea obey him?”

Vine and branches (Bible Study)

John 15:5-8

Jesus said "I am the vine, you are the branches.  When you Join with me and I with you, the relation intimate and organic.  The harvest is sure to be abundant.  Separated, you can't produce a thing.  Anyone who separates from me is dead wood, gathered up and thrown on the fire.  If you make yourselves at home with me and my words are at home in you.  You can be sure that whatever you ask will be listened to and acted upon.  This is how my father shows who he is, when you produce grapes, when you mature as my disciples

Soul (Holy Teaching)

The Soul is born when we humans our born, and unfolds in our body as we grow, With dreams and desires and the food of life.  The soul is reborn when one is awakened to the spirit of God, and the truth of Jesus Christ

At first we are sinful and our soul reflects that, it is dark and scarey.  Our soul at this time follows the ways of the world, going where the wind takes them.  Flowing in every direction wanting to break us apart and fly away.  Then we enter into a life with Jesus Christ and the holy spirit.  They come and calm down our restless soul, shining their light and dispelling the darkness.  They make our bodies into a stronghold to hold in our souls until the proper time.

Poor in spirit (Holy Teaching)


To be poor in spirit is a sad state I know, the world has turned its back on your, and left you to the “wolves”.  Well guess what Jesus went to the poor in spirit first, Jesus talked mostly wherever a crowd could gather, he took his ministry out to the people.  Whenever Jesus spoke he spoke in terms that everyone would understand, he used common everyday things to help send home his messages to those gathered around him.
Why do I say these people were poor in spirit? For some the religious leaders had turned their backs on, and said the peoples problems were a punishment from God.  Some were just shunned by the community; some were hated because of their jobs or social standings.  Still some knew they needed help in theirs lives, and that Jesus could give them that help.
Same is true today, there are people hurting (for one reason or another) all around us.  As Christians, as true followers of Jesus Christ we are to seek out these people and bring them closer to a right relationship with Christ.  For 0nly Christ can truly stop the hurting.
Why the poor in spirit?  They are the ones who know they need help and are more willing to call on God for that help.  As they say “Once you hit rock bottom, there is nowhere to go but up.”  The poor in spirit have hit that spiritual rock bottom and they know they need help to climb out of that pit, and they are more willing to call on God for that help.

Doesn’t Matter

It doesn’t matter the color of your skin
It doesn’t matter if your fat or thin
God accepts you in every way
His love will not waver
It will not sway

It doesn’t matter if you’re aged or youth
God loves you with all that is true
It doesn’t matter the troubles you’ve been in
All that matters is you let God in
That you truly believe

Christian Bedtime Prayer

Lord of glory, power, and might
 I pray you will watch me on this night
If I should die before I wake
I pray you Lord my soul to take
For there is no one else I trust with my soul
  I know you will love it as your own.
 For it is you who gave me life
It is you who brings me through strife
 Now I ask you again Lord of glory, power, and might
 I pray you lord will watch me on this night

Smallest bit of good

Even the smallest bit of good
 Can have a huge affect upon the darkness of this world
Think of it this way a snowball rolling downhill
Gets bigger and bigger as it gathers more snow
So it is with the small bits of good we do
What we think as a small act of kindness
May have a HUGE effect on the person it is given to
Then that person shares your gift
And the next
And the next
So on
And so on
Until you have a giant Snowball of kindness to squash the darkness.

Life's Joy

Play trumpets
Bang drums
Give the beat
Play the melody
For all  to hear
For all to enjoy

Sing out
Sing for joy
Pour out your heart and soul
Sing for the feelings you wish to share

Dance for joy
Dance like you've never danced before
Let your spirit move you
Let your soul speak through movement

Make music
Make the sounds that makes the world move
Make the sounds that make the world grooze
Make music

Memories of her

3:30 in the morning
Memories of her return
Taken to early in life
I cry myself asleep


I love you
More than
I can say


Life is to be lived
To the fullest of each day
To take your cares
To throw them away
To do the best you can
To live life as a fan

Live your life to the fullest yet
Take each challenge and use it spent
Join the fun
Join the race
Join the joy of each place

Learn each lesson upon your way
Take on the challenge
Do not back down
Live your life
Not your sorrows

Live a life
To the fullest of each day

Teenager Mutant Ninja kitty

 Teenage Mutant Ninja kitty Teenage Mutant Ninja kitty Teenage Mutant Ninja kitty Hero in a fur coat Kitty power