Wednesday, December 4, 2019

Believe (Holy Teaching)

For those of you who do not believe in GOD and have taken Jesus Christ as your lord and savior.  I feel sorry for you, for you have nothing to believe in.  However you can believe in these two things.

1.      There is death, it will find you, and nothing you say and do, I repeat nothing you say and do can do anything change that.  Trying to extend your life by fallowing certain rules and diets is a waste of time.  For the hours of your life are set on the day you are born, and there is nothing you can do that will change that.  What you need to do is use the time between your birth and death for the betterment of yourself and all those around you.

2.      Through Jesus Christ there is life after death, in Heaven.  Mainly eternal life can be yours.  All you have to do is ask.

I hope you make your peace with GOD before it is to late.  For I fear the abyss in which you will fall into.

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