Saturday, October 31, 2020


 Sometimes you have to walk the edge

Sometimes you must stand on the brink

Before you can start to rebuild your life.

Sometimes you have to lose everything 

Sometimes you must start from the very beginning 

Before you can recover 

Before you can restart

Life is a rollercoaster with many ups and downs

You need to roll with the tide when it comes

Never give in

Never give up

No matter what life throws your way

Drinking contest

 2 competitors

100 shots of whiskey each

One by one

They down their glass

Until one of them

Falls on their ass


Words get said

Words are slurred

Some words are not even heard

Still they go

One after the other.

Drunken and sad

Shot after shot

Until one passes out

Friday, October 30, 2020


 The sun sets over the ocean 






Like the paintbrush stroke from a master painter

The sun sets over the ocean

You can almost hear the hiss

As the sun "touches" the water

Upon the horizon 

The sun sets over the ocean 

The stars come out

The moon rises

Night has fallen 


 What is life all about

Has anyone figured it out
It seems to be a confusing mess
Full of pain and distress
I know
I know
I know
Life is what we make of it
Live it full
Don't run away from it
Travel your path
Learn along the way
Learn all you can
Until your dying day

Thursday, October 29, 2020

Fire in my soul

 I won't apologize for the fire in my soul

That burning desire to rise above my circumstances 

To better myself and those around me

I won't apologize for the fire in my soul

The world can try

But it can't put it out

No matter what the world throws at me

I will burn right through it and move on

That is how hot that fire burns

Once it's lit

Nothing can stand in my way

Nothing can stop me

Life crash

 I run away from my feelings all day

I'm drivin mad by the voice in my head

I can't take this shit all day

My life is going to crash

I try and try to do what I can

But I find my life in the trash again

It seems nothing can go my way

Tuesday, October 27, 2020

Cold world

 Don't let the wickedness of the world, freeze your heart and soul

Let the warmth of love and compassion melt the coldness and hatred away

Monday, October 26, 2020

Natural world

 The trees cry out

They cry sap

For the damage done to the natural world

What Promise

 What promise can you give me

What word can you say

To make me believe you love me

Not just wanting to throw my heart away.

Will you lift me up

To rise and know love once more


Will you let me crash upon the rocks of life



To live no more

I ask again 

What promise 

What word

What bond

Would make it worth to love you

White rabbit

 Follow the white rabbit down the rabbit hole 

Follow him to places unknown

All is wonderful and fancy free

An adventure for you and me



Dwarves and more

Come come a brand new world to explore

Follow the white rabbit down the rabbit hole 

Follow the white rabbit and enjoy

I am who I am

 I am who I am

You may not like me

But that's ok

You are entitled to that


I will not change who I am

Just to be liked by you

You either accept me or you don't 

That choice is yours

I am who I am

I am a strong willed person

With opinions and ideas

That may not agree with yours

So be it

Just because we don't agree on somethings

Doesn't mean we can't be friends 

As long as we respect each other

A friendship can grow

If however you wish to not be friends 

So be it

Sunday, October 25, 2020

You will not change me

 You hate me

I love you

You despise me

I love you

You want to see me





I want to see you



Be built up

You try and you try to bring me down

You can't change me

No matter how hard you try

I am still who I am 

And nothing you say or do will change that

That's right NOTHING

Go ahead do your worst

It will do you no good

Charlie's (The Best Bar and Grill in the Galaxy) ( T.J. and the Rockets)

 Hello my name is TJ. and I have a band named “the Rockets”.  We play exclusively at my Grandpa's restaurant.  However a friend of ours who is a big rock star in the multiverse.  Has shown us a way in which we can play here and still reach the rest of the galaxy, the universe, and the multiverse.  Since then things have been quite a whirl-wind for all of us.  The band and the restaurant. Each band member will tell you about three songs they have written or co-written

Want to meet the band?  First is Max. He plays drums as well as any other percussion instrument the song may ask for.  Max, want to say a few words?  

Max is my name and playing drums is my game.  I look human enough except my skin is scaly like a reptile, my eyeballs are the shape of a poisonous snake, and I have a fork tongue.  My mom Sheely is a waitress here.  My dad David works with Harvey and his crew.  My family came from the planet “Bitis atropo”.

One of my favorite memories while playing.  Has to be the time we were really into it, and rocking the house.  All of a sudden someone started tossing a bunch of inflatable balls around.   I think those things made their way to every table in the place including the bar.

One of the songs I wrote “Goodbye My Friend”  I wrote in memory of a friend I had ( He didn’t die, his family moved away).  Another one I wrote was “Going Crazy”  A song I wrote during a very challenging time in my life.  I also wrote “Diamonds in your eyes”  A love song I wrote for my girlfriend.

As you know my name is Bethany.  I am T.J’s. kid sister, plus the co-writer of many of the band's songs.  Where as TJ. took after our mom and looks like a rainbow colored llama.  I took after our dad and look like a normal human female.  Along with co-writing the songs I also sing back up vocals for the band.

I love watching my brother on stage.  He really knows how to work the crowd.  One time he was dancing on stage and grabbed Ashley, and they both danced before everyone who was watching.  Also another thrill for me, is when T.J. asked me to sing one of the songs I had written.

Two  songs I co-wrote with T.J.  “The Long Haul Space Transporter’  Which we wrote in honor of our late Great Grandfather Tony  and “Dancing Among The Stars” Which we wrote in honor of our late Great Grand Parents Ambrose and Renee.  The one song I wrote myself “Life Upon this Rock”  Which talks about what life is like upon this Asteroid

My name is Ashley.  I am T.J's girlfriend as well as co-writer of many of the songs I also sing backup vocals.  I am the daughter of Brenda and Steve.  My mom washes dishes here. And my dad tends the bar. I look like a mountain lion like my parents.  Except I have brown fur with white spots.

Hey Bethany, you stole one of my favorite memories.  Anyways yes dancing with T.J. on stage was cool.  T.J. also asked me to sing one of the songsI wrote. Even though after each show.  We are all hot and sweaty and tired,  it is AWESOME just to feel that energy within yourself, the other band members, and the crowd.

I wrote the song “Giggles and Jiggles”  Which is just a funny laugh out loud feel good song.  I also wrote “Demon Slayer”  Which is a song about standing up to your demons, and laying them to rest.  I co-wrote the song “Get Up and Dance”  A lively tune to get you out of your seat and moving

Travis speaking.  I am the band’s back up percussionist for when they play songs that have two different percussions playing at the same time.  I also can play back up with any of the other members of the group.  My family and I came from the planet “Draco Ignis”.  A strange planet, that it has no known orbit.  It just floats around freely in space.  I look human except I have a giant wingspan like a dragon, which when not in flight, they fold around me like a robe.  I also have spikes that poke straight out, from the top of my head, all the way down the middle of my spine,   My mom Jessica helps out on the wait staff, my dad Jim helps to greet and seat the customers.

One of my favorite things about the band.  Is that no matter what part you play, we are all family, and T.J. really let’s you know that.  We treat each other like flesh and blood family.  Sure we have our schwables, fights, and arguments, but we always return to each other with love and kindness.

One of the songs I wrote is “Rainbows In The Sky” Which is about when the sun hits the morning dew just right creating rainbows.  Another one I wrote was “Pod-racer Inferno”  Which is a fast paced song about racing.  One I co-wrote “Blaster Shootout” Which is about a showdown between good and evil.

Hello my name is Rose  I am Max’s girlfriend as well as Keyboard and piano player in the group.  My family is from the planet “Canis Lupus”  I look like a wolf.  Gray fur, pointy ears, sharp claws and fangs.  I am the last from my planet.  Just before my home planet blew up.  My parents put me on a ship and launched it.  I never saw my home or family again.  After about a day of floating around in space aimlessly.  I stopped into Charlie’s to get something to eat.  From the start.  This seemed like a nice place to settle down.  So I  stayed.  I’m ever glad I did.

Along with Keyboard and piano.  I can also play brass, and woodwind instruments too.

One or my favorite memories has to be the big end of the year party we have each year.  Food, music, fun, it is always a good time.  Also speaking of parties.  We also hold get-togethers for major sporting events here.  Those are always fun too.  Mostly because the band plays for much, much bigger crowds during those times.

One song I wrote called “Friendly Danger”  Which is about an ex-boyfriend.  He started out friendly then became a danger to both myself and others around him.  Another one I wrote was “Fight For Your Rights” Which is about standing up for what you believe in.  even if you must stand alone.  One I co-wrote “You’re Never Alone” Which talks about no matter what life throws at you.  You need not face it alone.  You do have support

Jim is my name and playing brass instruments is my game.  Not only that, I’m Bethany’s boyfriend.  Don’t worry, it’s cool that T.J. knows I’m dating his sister.  As I said I am the main horn blower in this group.  My family and I came from the planet “Lemur Catta””.  I look like a Lemur Monkey, minus the tail.  On the trip here my parents were sucked into a vortex.  They just had time to put me in an escape pod and launch me into space.

I love playing in the band.  We are all family and it shows, in every concert we do.

One song I wrote was “ Party All Night”  Which is just that, a song about an all night party.  I co-wrote “Spaced Out Drag” Which is about drag racing in space.  I also wrote the song “Trouble at 1600 mph”  which is about living life too fast and needing to slow down and enjoy the ride.

Alex “The Man” speaking now.  I play all string instruments.  It doesn’t matter what they are, I can play them.  My family and I com from the planet “Macaca Mulatta” I look like a monkey.  My fur is rainbow colored,  my mom Darla helps with sound and lights, her fur is an ice blue color.  My dad Jack works with the visual effects of the show. His fur is bright red.

I love playing in the band, and watching the crowd react.  We have had to put up warnings for people from time to time.  One says “No clothing thrown on stage please”  another says ”Please cantain the urge to climb onto the stage while the band preforms.”  there are others, but are not appropriate for children to read.

T.J, Ashley, and Bethany may be the main songwriters in the group.  However every member has written songs.  All of which get performed, and sometimes T.J. will ask you to sing them.  That is one thing I like about T.J. he may be the leader of the band, but he gives credit where credit is due.  He is out there to promote the talent of the band, not himself, and if shows in every show we do

My name is Jane woodwind instruments is my claim to fame.  My family and I come fom the planet “Cumulonimbus Tuba”  A very windy planet.  I look like a Falcon with feathers of every color imaginable, and even a few colors with no name.  Orange beak, I also have the legs and feet of a falcon, including the claws.  My dad Vern and my mom Cathy look just like me.  With my dad being the tallest, my mom slightly shorter, and then me the shortest.

Along with wind instruments, I can also play chimes and gongs.

I love playing with the group.  We’re all one big family.  A memory I hold dear to my heart is when upon my first birthday with them.  They threw me the biggest surprise party I had ever had.  Cake, presents, music, food, dancing, the whole works.  It was a lot of fun.

One of the songs I wrote is called “Poisoned Cup”  Sometimes a drink looks harmless and tasty but could end up killing you.  Same with some people.  They seem harmless at first, but could really be poison to your life.  Also I wrote the song “ Hidden Treasure”  Sometimes you have to dig past the tarnish and rust of one’s life, to find their true worth.  Also I wrote the song “Who is the pilot?” We all need help and guidance in our lives.  Who is yours?

Name is T.J. and I am the lead singer of the band.  When another member is showcasing one of their songs, I move to back up vocals, but most times I am the man up front.  Like others have said before.  It’s all about the band, and the band’s achievements. I may be the front man, but I give credit where it is due.

One of my favorite moments will always be dancing with my girlfriend Ashley on stage during one of our songs,  boy, was she surprised when I took her hand that day.  Since then we have shared many more on stage.  Another favorite memory is when I was on stage a female fan tried to climb on stage and approach me.  Ashley placed her foot on top of the fans head, and shoved her back into the crowd.  I love Ashley very much, so ladies and gents, don’t try to get between us.

I wrote the song “Vortex To Nowhere”  a song about the approach of death and just accepting the end. I also wrote “Vampires in the Dark” it is about people who just seem to suck the life right out of you.  Another I wrote “Sient Whispers” about having the one you love leave you for another.

Hope you enjoyed reading about the stories we had to tell.  These are just a few of the hundreds of songs we have written.  To give you an idea how long we have been together.  We started playing when we were ten, and we all are now 18.  8 years together and we show no signs of stopping any time soon.  We love what we do.  Preforming, writing songs, just hanging out.  We are a team and we let it show

Charlie's (The best bar and Grill in the Galaxy) (The Staff)

 Hi Charlies here.  I thought it would be fun to meet those that work here and hear the stories they have to tell.  Janine and I will talk to you after the rest of the staff does.  But one thing I do want to point out is this.  There has always been a restaurant (though under many different names)  on this asteroid for generations, and a member of Janine’s family has always owned that restaurant.  (Just a quick note.  The staff will describe themselves in a way that gives you an idea of what they look like, but in reallity they may look a little different.)

Not all of the owners have been human or human in appearance.  Janine’s Great Grandfather was a wolf creature from the planet “K-9”.  his father before that was a Cat like creature from the planet “Chat Noir '' and the one who has been here all that time.  Will be our first guest.  Take it away Harvey.  Just a quick note.  The staff will describe themselves in a way that gives you an idea pf what the look like, but in reallity they may look somewhat different.

As Charlie said, my name is Harvey and I have worked here since the restaurant first opened many generations ago.  If you haven’t already guessed, I am an immortal.  The only immortal to work here, and quite possibly the only one in existence.  I’m not real sure where I come from.  For I have always been.  I look like a normal teenage human,  though I am much, much older. ( Don’t ask how old, I’ve stopped counting)  Let me tell you that out of all the bosses I’ve worked for, Charlie is the best.  He is always willing to help, not just me but any other member of his crew.  I am the handyman, I keep things running smoothly.  I have been the handy man since the very beginning, and after all these generations.  I am still the handy man and like it that way.  

One of my favorite memories about working at Charlie’s.  Would have to be the annual company picnic.  Charlie and Janine would close the restaurant for one day and we would go to the park on Delta 4.  For a day of food, fun, and games.  I do feel bad for Janine being in a wheelchair.  Keeping her from enjoying a lot of the fun.  But Charlie and a few others always stay with Janine.  They talk play board games, and just enjoy watching the rest of us have fun.  I once asked Janine if she ever thought about getting prosthetic legs to replace the ones see lost.  Her answer was why should I do that.  I earned my wounds.  She is never bitter about her time in the Galactic Army, and is proud she served.  

Another favorite memory I have (though it was a very busy day for all of us).  Was the day the Galactic president and his family came in to eat.  Not only did we have to feed the president, his family, and his security crew  that was inside.  We also had to feed those patrolling the grounds outside.  Probably the highest honor this Restaurant got that day.  Was when the president named Charlie’s the best place he ever ate at.

Hello my name is Brenda.  My husband and I are two of the newest staff members.  I met Janine in the Galactic Army.  My husband was the head bartender at a place there on post.  About the time my time in the Army was up.  The joint my husband was working at closed down.  Since I had no desire to re-enlist, I got a hold of Janine to see if they needed a bartender.  They did and they needed a dishwasher too.  So here we are.  My husband and I look like Mountain lions.   We came from a world called “Acinonyx Jubatus”  

One of my favorite memories was the first time I had met Charlie.  Janine and I along with a few of our Army friends had stopped by to grab something to eat one day.  Charlie (A cook at the time)  came out from the kitchen and gave Janine a hug.  Janine had already told me of their engagement.  Charlie talked with us for a bit before going back.  He was so funny.  The jokes he 

told, almost had us rolling on the floor.  Other than that, he was very charming, and I could see why Janine was so much in love with him and why she was ready to spend her life with him.

Another great memory is that when my husband and I first started working here we were treated like family instead of newcomers.  From the very start we felt we belonged.

Hi my name is Steve, I am Brenda’s husband as well as the head bartender here at Charlie’s.  I serve drinks from all over the universe as well as a few from the multiverse.  Yes we get a few customers here who have figured out how to jump that line, and they are not shy about sharing their drinks with us.  As well as teaching us how to mix them.

I look exactly like Brenda except she has black spots, and I have black stripes.  As Brenda pointed out, we are two of the newest members of the staff here.  Though with the way we have been treated from the start, we feel like we have always been here and never worked anywhere else.  That is what I like about working at Charlie’s, rather you’ve been here for a while or just started, you are family.

I didn’t get to meet Charlie until I started working here.  Though I did meet Janine many times at the bar there on post, and the way she described Charlie to Brenda, and the way the two talked about him.  I’m surprised my wife didn't fall in love with him.  Because of this, when I finally did meet Charlie.  It was like seeing an old friend (Even though me and him had never met)

One of my favorite memories.  I was tending bar one day, when I heard some kid yell out the words “Food Fight”.  It wasn’t just that table that had the fight.  Everyone in the place joined in.  kids, adults, and members of the staff.  It was quite the mess to clean up, but it was fun.  

Another memory I have is that we were having one of our rare slow days.  One of the staff yelled out “Steve, want a roll”, I told him yes.  The next thing I know a roll comes flying towards me very fast.  I caught it, but the force of it made my hand jerk back.  My hand came within 5 inches from knocking a couple of bottles off the shelf.  Good thing there were no customers at the time.

Donna here, head cook, and married to my husband Joe ( the assistant bartender).  Joe and I are both from the planet “Lama Pacos” but from different regions.  My family came from the north.  Joe’s family was from the south.  I took over cooking when my dad retired at the same time Ambrose and Renee did.  Like Charlie I never knew my mom, but that is alright many of the ladies who worked for Ambrose.  While I was growing up, were more than happy to fill that role.  Like Steve the head bartender said we get a few customers in here who know how to jump the line between multiverses.  Not only do they teach him how to mix drinks.  They have also taught me a few recipes. 

Speaking of the multiverse.  One of my favorite memories is meeting myself from a universe where I am a rockstar( a fantasy I always had).  She gave me a few recipes to try on the grill, as well as a few drink recipes for Steve to use at the bar.  She also made plans with Charlie to have her band play here.  A  few nights later they did.  Boy, did they ever rock this place.  They were awesome.  They have been back to play many times after that.

Another fun memory I remember is our weekly poetry nights.  Just hearing the poems from the different poets, as well as the emotional ups and downs of these “people” pouring there souls out for us all to hear.

Hi my name is Joe, like my wife Donna I come from the planet “Lama Pacos” .  As Donna said I am from the southern part of the planet.  In fact I did not meet Donna until I started working here.  I have hands and feet like a human, but the rest of me looks like a llama.  I have light brown fur with dark coffee colored spots.

I first came to Charlie’s looking for a job.  They needed a bartender so here I am.  It has been a lot of fun.  I started out as the head bartender, but when Brenda and her husband came to work with us.  I decided to be the assistant bartender (seeing that Steve’s skills were far greater than mine.)  I have never regretted stepping down, nor have I ever hated Steve for taking my spot.  Steve is a great guy to work with, and I have learned alot from him.

One of my favorite memories one day I entered the restaurant and someone hit me with a water balloon.  I at first thought it was just someone playing a joke, you know having a little fun.  So I shrugged it off.  That is until someone told me to grab a balloon and join in.  I turned around to see the entire staff throwing these things at each other.  Now I want to mention that this happened before we opened that day.  Afterwards we cleaned up, dried off, and got ready to open that day.  It is times like those, that make it so wonderful to work here.  This only happened once.  Charlie decided it made too much of a mess.

We have had many bands come through our doors over the years, and I just love to listen to them all.  The music ranges to all types, so you are sure to hear something you like.  The open mic improv and the open mic poetry nights are also always a lot of fun to watch..

My name isTommy, I am the youngest of the two sons, of Charlie and Janine.  As well as husband to the ever smart, ever beautiful, and ever talented Dj, the daughter of our head cook Donna.

As dad has mentioned before.  When not helping out at the restaurant.  I am off at a showing of my art work.  Dj goes with me a lot.  I am tall, skinny but well built, sandy brown hair.  

One of my favorite memories was at the company picnic on Delta 4.  Dj and I got engaged behnd the same waterfall my parents did.  Better yet both our parents were there to see it.  Afterwards I joined in a few games.  Then joined mom and the rest for some quieter fun.

Another favorite of mine is listening to our son Tj and his band play here.  The kids in the band were only 6 at the time of their first performance here.  But they really knew what they were doing and put on a good show.  Over the years they have played many times.  The band wants to go pro someday, and I think they could.  Tj however is not to sure he’d want to join them though.  He likes being here to much and enjoys playing for the crowd.

My name is Dj.  I am Tommy’s wife and my mom is Donna the head cook.  I have hands and feet like a human, but the rest of me looks like a Llama.  I am a light brown color with red stripes.  

Tommy’s and mine engagement behind the waterfall, is and always be one of my favorite memories.  As well as the many time we have had Tj’s band play for us.  Another great memory was when Tommy and I were just kids helping out here at the restaurant.  Learning and having fun.  Many of those that walk through that door don’t realize.  For the the kids of the staff.  This is our school, our playground, our home, our entire life. But our families also know that we have our own paths to follow.  So they let us follow it, helping us step by step when we need it.  

T,j’s girlfriend Ashley as well as his sister Bethany write poetry.  Tj has written many of them into songs for his band.  It not only thrills the crowd, but it also shows that He loves his sister and girlfriend by combining both their talents together.

Tj’s my name, playing music is my game.  I also help out around the restaurant wherever needed.  I take after my mom in appearance.  I look like a llama with rainbow colored fur.  Plus the hands and feet of a human.

I’m Bethany, I took after my dad in appearance.  I look like a normal human female.  My main duties around here, mostly include clean up.  I also help out in many other ways.  From cooking to waiting tables, to everything in between

Hi Sam the man here.  I am the eldest child of Charlie and Janine.  I stay in the office and help my mom there.  When not at the restaurant I am off covering some story for the newspapers or magazines.  I am tall and skinny, well built, hair the color of orange flames.  Unlike my brother I have never married.  Not that I have a problem with that sort of thing.  I just never found anyone I wanted to spend the rest of my life with.  I only heard about my brother’s egagement because I was out covering a story at the time. 

Though I was too young to remember his first visit with us.  I have met and greeted the Galactic president many times since then.  It is always a thrill to see him and his family here.  Plus it gives me an exclusive story to write.  Since we close the restaurant for that private party.

We even got tp host the victory party for the winning team of the “Galactic Bowl”  (space version of the “Super Bowl).  As well as the victory parties for the winning teams of the “Galactic Cup” (Hockey). The “Galactic series”  (Baseball) .  we also hold parties for different sporting events we show on the giant  holo-screen (Holographic projection Tv.)  These events are always a lot of fun. Just like our music, improv, and poetry nights.

Freedy here, I am the head janitor here at Charlie’s.  I also help Harvey out when he needs it.  I am from the planet  “Atelerix Albiventris”.  I may be small but I am a big help around here.  I stand about 3 feet high, brown fur with white splotches.  

I love working for Charlie’s.  He is such a great boss, and willing to help if you need it.  He is a boss who is not afraid to get his hands dirty,

One of my favorite memories was when I met my future wife here.  I was doing some clean up and trash runs, when this young beautiful creature entered the restaurant.  We noticed each other and started a conversation.  After that we went on a few dates.  Her name was conny, she stood about 3 feet tall as well, her fur more of a blood red color, and I learned she was from the same planet I was, just from a different location.  A few months later Conny and I got married,  and have one grown child, who is raising his on children.  On the other side of the galaxy.

Another fond memory was the one time all out food fight.  I believe someone has already mentioned it.  It was a lot of fun, and a lot of clean up afterwards, but everyone pitched in and helped’  i do remember some kid yelling out the words FOOD FIGHT, but can not recall why the whole restaurant exploded into that messy fun.  Food flying everywhere, dodging food as best you could, getting hit by food, it was a glorious mess.  Everyone had fun that day.

Hi I’m Conny the head waitress here at Charlie’s.  I joined the staff shortly after falling in love with the head janitor.  Don’t let me being short fool you.  I can do this job as well or better than the rest of them.  

One of my favorite memories of coarse is meeting my husband Freddy.  Another great memory would have to be just watching all the kids of the staff.  Grow up here over the years.  

Charlie here, well that is our staff here at Charlie’s.  Hope you enjoyed their stories,  and had fun learning about what has happened here over the years.  

One thing I do want to mention.  Most of the employees live on the surrounding asteroids, but we do have a few who live here at the restaurant.  

  Even though we pride ourselves at being the best family restaurant in outer space.  We every so often get customers from the darkside of space jife. Smugglers, Gangsters, The Space Mafia, Bounty Hunters, and many many others have walked through our door.  We treat them like we would anyone else.  Most of these people just want to have a drink and a quick bite and then leave.  With no trouble caused. 

Janine here, thank you Charlie,  though you forgot to mention al the good people that come in.  members of the Galactic Army, Fire, Police, and Rescue crews, the  Galactic President,  not to mention many many others.

Thank you Janine for reminding me

Saturday, October 24, 2020

Religious Robot

 A religious robot I am not

A mindless



Robot I am not

I have a voice and I will speak

God gave me that voice

I may be young

But through God I am strong

When I think things are not fight

I will voice my opinion 

You can tell me to sit down and shut up

You can say I'm to young

Therefore I have no idea what I'm talking about

Go ahead and mock me

See where it gets you

Toast to life

 Raise your glasses

A toast to life we make





Life has highs and lows

Ups and downs

A rollercoaster ride of emotions 

Toast to life

Joy and fun

Life is a journey 

Life is a path

Travel and learn

All that you can

A toast to life

Raise your glasses high

We only live once

Enjoy the ride

Night Sky

 The stars shine bright

The worlds spin in the heavenly dance across the sky
We lay here upon the lawn
Looking up
While the stars shine
While the worlds spin
My thoughts begin to wonder
About this world
And our place in it
Where that place is
As long as you're with me
It will be ok

I treasure your love

 I treasure your love

Every single day we are together 

Is magic 

You cast a spell upon my heart

Now I am yours forever

I treasure your love 

Like a gem hidden deep within the Earth

It took me a while to find it

But now that I have

I shall never let it go

Your love is worth more than




Your love is worth more than 

All the money in the world

Your love means so much to me

I would be lost without it

Your love is

My stronghold 

My shelter 

It protects me from life's raging storms

Friday, October 23, 2020

Let's go on a road trip

 Let's go on a road trip 

Just pack up and go

No maps

No time limits

Just go and leave it all behind 

Let's go on a road trip 

Adventures abound 

New places

New faces

New memories for life

Let's go on a road trip 

The road to place unknown

Let's go on a road trip 

Life is like a roundabout

 Life is sometimes like a roundabout 

The further in you go

You get trapped

Going round and round in circles

With no way to get back

Life is like a roundabout 

No matter how hard you try

Someone is blocking your way

So you can't get back to where you need to be

Life is like a roundabout 

A vortex pulling you in

With no way to get out

Thursday, October 22, 2020

Stand Up

 Stand up

Speak up

Do not shut up

You have a voice

Let it be heard

You have a voice

Let it sound strong

Speak up for what you believe in

Don't let others get in your way 

Don't let others shut you down

Stand up

Stand strong

Believe and achieve 

Own path

 If the world knocks you down

Get back up off the ground

Don't let the world hold you

Tell it you're following a different plan

Strike your own path

Find your own way

Do not listen to what the world say

You are not a sheep

So don't follow like one

Blindly going wherever you're told

You are you and there is only one

Live life on your terms

Wednesday, October 21, 2020

Two Hearts

 Two hearts beating

Pounding out a constant rhythm 




Two hearts intertwined together 

Holding on to the vast truth of life itself 

The truth from the dawn of creation

Two hearts alone no more 

They have found each other

They are bound to one another 

Through love's strong cord

The can't be broken by any force of man

Two hearts forever together 

Two hearts as one

Until the end of time and beyond

Tuesday, October 20, 2020

Strolling among the stars

 Here we are

Strolling among the stars

Hand in hand as we move along

Two friends we started out

But more we became as our relationship grew

Now we stroll

Heart to heart

Soul to soul

Among the stars we go

Eternally we go forever

Our love for one another

Hand in hand

We've come so far

Strolling among the stars

The twinkle in your eyes

Like diamonds as they shine

We stroll forevermore 

Among the stars we shall go

Charlie's bar and grill

 Once you walk in through the front door

You'rea part of the family 

We're always glad to see you

No matter where from you may be

Come on in and sit right down 

Laughing joking all around

At Charlie's bar and grill we have it all

Shoot pool, throw darts, play cards

Just have a ball

The drinks are good

The food is great

Puts a big smile on your face

Plus there's some neat stuff on the wall

At Charlie's bar and grill we have it all 

The waiters greet you with a smile

They sit you down family style

Or just walk up and sit down at the bar

Drinks from all over the galaxy 

Food your eyes have never seen

We have been rated four star

Live music with dance floor

Poetry nights and so much more 

At Charlie's bar and grill we have it all

Shoot pool, throw darts, play cards

Just have a ball

The drinks are good

The food is great

Puts a big smile on your face

Plus there's some neat stuff on the wall

At Charlie's bar and grill we have it all 

Monday, October 19, 2020

Jesus You Are My King


Jesus you are my king

I'll praise you over everything

Jesus you are my king

I'll raise my voice and let your anthem ring

Love God


Love God with

All your heart

All your heart



Lord guide me

Steer me from my own paths

Place me upon yours


May the things of this world

Hold no sway over me

When compared to your Glory and Grace


The world has become a dark and scary place to be

Comfort me

Strengthen me

So I may over come such fears

So I may continue to do your work


People cry out

Let me be a tool so you can help them

As you have helped me



Sound your voice

Invite others to join in

Nothing held back

Go for it



Praise God with your heart

Praise God with your complete self

Always rejoice sing

Lord you are


Lord you are my comforter

When I need one

To deal with all the crap

This world puts me through


Lord you are my coach

You motivate me

When I feel I just can't go on

You push me to be my best

For you Lord

You help me reach the goals

You have set for me


Lord you are my leader

I will follow you

I will go where you send me

I will do as you ask

For your light always guides me


Lord you are my God and King

I will worship you

Jesus is Love


Justice and mercy is his to bestow

Eternal love and grace

Salvation for all


Savior of all humankind


Internal joy, external shine

Savior of the world


Love at it's finest

Over flowing with inner peace

Vitally seeking


Sunday, October 18, 2020

Give me time

 I know at times I may seem a little standoffish,  a loner,  or a little to quiet.  But if you just give me a little time.  I can be one of the best friends you could have.  Due to things that have happened in my life.  I have had to build walls to protect my heart, as well as myself.  I hide away at times, and just shut down.  With the help of God, family, and some true friends.  Those walls are starting to fall, and starting to open up more than I used to.  There is still work to be done.  I am not perfect.  I want to love as well as be loved just like anyone.  So please give me time.  Let me get to know you.  I will come around.


 You see my smile but you fail to see my pain

you see my sunshine, but ignore the rain

my tears flow

my heart smokes from the fire burning my soul

you hear me laugh, but fail to see me cry

you see my dance, but fail to see me fall

you see the mountains I have climbed, but fail to see the trenches I've had to crawl through

my tears flow like a waterfall

you only see my life, but fail to see I'm dying inside

tears flow

heart smokes from the fire burning my soul

You see my accomplishments, but never how hard it took me to get thre

you see the goals I've achieved, but never my failures

you see the shine in my eyes, but never the dark clouds over head

my tears flow, I am drowning

you see me, but never truly see me

tears flow

my heart smokes from the fire burning my soul

Space cat

  there was a little cat of the furry sort and he used to dream he was an astronaut climbing in his rocket heading to the stars landing down...