Sunday, October 4, 2020

Make America Great Again (Rant)

 I read on facebook about how to make America great again.  They say to put Jesus back into all the places he has been removed.  I agree with this to a point.  If we start putting Jesus back I fear the collapse of the entire United States economy, 

The reason why I say this is because of the lawsuits that would most likely shut down so many schools and companies,  plus devoce and crime would rise.  The emergency crews would be understaffed, overworked, and in no shape to help anyone.  (That is if there were enough people to even form a crew.

Riots would break out, buildings would burn, and life aswe knw it inthe US.  would come to an end. 

If you want to make America great again.  Start accepting people for who they are, and stop hating them for what they are

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Space cat

  there was a little cat of the furry sort and he used to dream he was an astronaut climbing in his rocket heading to the stars landing down...