Saturday, October 17, 2020

Charlie’s (The Best Bar and Grill in the Galaxy) (A message from the President of the Milky Way Galaxy)


Greetings, I am president Caramel of the Milky Way Galaxy. I look like a giant Ice cream Sundae. Anyways in 1947 my assistant Bob who looks like a 6 foot tall walking spoon. Was on his way to the Earth’s Capital to invite it’s inhabitants to an intergalactic party. He was even instructed by me to give you the technology that would’ve made it possible for you to get there as well as deep space travel beyond. Something went wrong and his ship crash landed in a field near Roswell New Mexico. We have not heard from or seen Bob since. If you happen to know where he is. Please tell him to come home. His family misses him very much. Thank You

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Space cat

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