Sunday, October 4, 2020

Charlie's (the Best Bar and Grill in the galaxy) (The courtship of Charlie and Janine)

 Hi Charlie here,  thought I would tell you about mine and Janine’s courtship.  Like I said in my first story, I first met Janine when I was six, and at least for me it was love at first sight.  Her mom and dad being the owners of the joint at the time, and the fact that we were all friends made it easy for me and Janine to get together.  

When I first saw her come out of the kitchen.  I swear I heard heavenly music.  She was so beautiful.  When she spoke (even when not to me) it was like hearing a song going straight to my heart.  To say that I was in love would be an understatement.  I could tell she liked me to, but at the time I had no idea just how much.

Our first “date” was a trip to a park with a big tall waterfall on Delta 4 the park was beautiful with many walking trails.  On one those trails we went behind the waterfall, and it was behind that waterfall Janine and I had our first of many kisses.  It was tender and sweet.  We returned to this spot for our first anniversary.

Or next “date” was at a beach on the planet of Delta 3.  Dad and I had just gotten back after a transport run.  We picked up Janine then headed to Delta 3.  The beach was beautiful.  White sand that squeaked under your bare feet.  The water that changed color with every wave that came to shore.  The sky a bruised purple color.  Janine was beautiful in her two piece bathing suit.  I was wearing swim shorts and a top.  We swam a little, splashed each other a little more,  my dad joined us in the water and pulled me under from behind.  At the end of the day.  Dad and I took Janine home and joined with Ambrose and Renee for dinner.  After dinner dad and I boarded our ship to head off for our next transport run.

When I turned seven Janine started going on runs with dad and I.  upon my birthday that year dad and I were to transport a clown named Jordan from the planet “Clows-R- Us”  ( yes that is the name of the planet.  To his gig on the planet Juggernaut 12.  We thought it would be a good trip for Janine to join us on.  Part of Jordan’s payment for the trip was to entertain Janine and I.  Jordan was a tall Alligator human hybrid.  Man was he funny, telling jokes, doing a funny dance, and other silly stuff.  The trip we were taking him on would normally take about 6 light years but with the black hole super highway it only took 2 hours and 15 minutes.  Jordan entertained us the whole time.  In fact once dad set the controls.  He came back to the back and watched the show with us.

The planet Clowns -r-us is located in the HA HA solar system.  Within the Entertainment galaxy.  Most people don’t know this but almost all of your greatest entertainers come from this galaxy.

Janine here, Charlie is out front greeting some customers.  So I thought I would take over for awhile.  When I first met Charlie at my dad’s restaurant we were both six ( our birthdays just so happen to be on the same day,)  my first impression of him was a handsome young man, clean, but with a hairstyle that went every which way, but he was cute and I did feel something for him.  But wasn’t sure what yet.

The day at the park on delta 4.  Was a nice trip, and yes Charlie and I had our first kiss behind the waterfall.  Can’t explain it except it was like some force pulling us together, for one brief moment in time.  It was sweet, and from that moment on our hearts were locked with each other.

At the beach on Delta 3.  We had a lot of fun that day.  One thing charlie did not mention was that his dad would often pick us up (one at a time), toss us into the air, and we would come back down with a slash.

All this time our relationship kept growing.  My best friend Donna (who was also the daughter of the cook.) kept asking for details, and I will not deny that I gave her plenty.  The fact that I liked Charlie was plain to see.

Donna and her family were from the planet “Lama Pacos” 200 light years from where we are.  The family went on vacation on Delta 4, and decided to stay in the area.   She stands upright and has hands and feet like humans do, but the rest of her looks like a llama. She has pointy ears, her fur is white with spots of brown.  Her dad the head cook has white fur with black spots.  Her mom has red fur with blue spots.

When we turned eight.  I was riding along with Charlie and his dad.  We had to land the ship so Tony could work on it.  I don’t remember the name of the planet.  While he fixed the ship, Charlie and I went for a walk.  Didn’t go far when a mean kid jumped out of a bush and grabbed me.  Then he ran away taking me with him.  Charlie chased us down and jumped the kid.  Causing the kid to release me.  Charlie then went to work on the mean kid.  A side of Charlie I had never seen before.  By the time Charlie was done.  The kid had three black eyes, the jaws on both his mouths were broken, and his nose was broken.  Then Charlie got up and we both went back to the ship.  

After we had taken off, we told his dad about it.  Tony told his son that he had done the right thing, but to always be careful and don’t let the anger overtake him.  Then he blamed himself for not making us stay on the ship.  We both hugged him and all was forgiven.  Charlie was my hero and I knew he always would be.

Later on that flight back home.  Charlie came up to me and hugged me.  Then said he was sorry if he had scared me, but when it comes to protecting the people he loves.  He just loses it upon those who try to hurt the ones he cares about.  I hugged him back and told him how much I loved him and thanked him for helping me when I needed it.  We held each other a few moments longer before letting go.

When we were nine, my mom and dad took a rare day off from the resturant, and mom, dad, and I, along with Tony and Charlie went to a carneval on Delta 3.  The name of the town called El Gato.  the people who lived there looked human, but their skin color changed depending on their mood.  There were also “People” there from all across the galaxy.  Charlie and I had fun ridding rides and playing games.  Our parents liked watching us have fun.  As well as seeing our relationship grow.  It wasa fun day for all of us.

When we were 13 and I just started comming into my womanhood.  I was out with Charlie and his dad.  On one of their runs.  Not sure why but I started to cry.  I ran back into the sleeping area.  And sat there on the edge of my bed and wept.  A little later Charlie came in, hugged me, and sat next to me on the bed.  I laid my head on his shoulder.  Without saying a word, we just sat there and watched space go by outside the window.

Hi Charlie glad you’re back.  Hope things are all right out there.  Things are fine Janine, just a lot of customers to meet and greet.  I see you have been working on the story.  And I like what you have added.  I will admit a few of those times I had forgotten about.  Thanks for refreshing my memory.  You mind if I tell a few.  Nope go right ahead Charlie

Well as Janine said we were both becoming adults and starting to see each other in a whole new way.  Not long after we dropped Janine off from that run, and dad and I were back on the ship.  I told dad about my plan to work for Ambrose.  He said I would have to wait until I was 18.  But promised me that when I turned 18, if I still wanted to work there he would let me.  When I turned 18 I still wanted to work for Ambrose and told dad so.  He kept his word.  We talked to Ambrose, who was more than happy to have me as part of his family.  A few years later I really became a part of his family.

Janine had joined the galactic army and had already left for boot camp.  By the time I joined the crew.  She came to visit one time that really changed things for us.  Now I know I told you about me popping the question to her at the restaurant.  I popped that question twice.  The fist time Janine had come home for a short visit.  Janine and I took my personal space ship (flying car) to the park on Delta 3, where we had our first kiss.  We had a nice picnic, walked around the park and talked.  When we walked behind the waterfall, we kissed again and I slipped the ring on her finger.  When she saw the ring she hugged me and said yes she would be happy to marry me.  We walked a little more, then sat on the bench.  We decided we would play this out for our parents.

That however would have to wait a couple of years, due to some galactic conflict.  Janine and I Sent Holo-grams( Holographic telegrams) to each other often.  We also talked about how we would break the news of our engagement to the others.  We also did a little wedding planning as well.  Finally Janine got to come home and we played it out just like I told you in the first story.  Janine sent me a message to meet her by the back door of the restaurant.  When I went out the door Janine handed me the ring, then we both went inside, her in the front door, me in the back.  I had already told her dad I had something big planned, but did not say what.  Through the cook’s window I asked Janine to come back to the kitchen and her dad was wanting to speak to her about something.  When she met with her dad, he told her to close her eyes.  Then laed her back to the staffs table.  When she got back there and opened her eyes, and I popped the question a second time and showed her the ring.  Her face lit up like I was asking her for the first time.

Wall there you have it our courtship from the beginning to me asking for her hand in marriage.  20 years have past and we both still love each other as much as we ever have,  Anything you want to add Janine.

Only that, even though we have had our ups and downs over the past 20 years.  I can’t think of anyone else I would rather embark on life’s grand adventure with.  You’ve been an amazing husband, an awesome father to our two wonderful and talented kids, my best friend, and my soul mate.  I love you Charlie, and each and everyday that love grows stronger and stronger.

I love you to Janine.  I could not survive around here without you.  You truly are my rock and firm foundation, both here and at home.  I love you and the boys very much.  I hope you all know that.

We do Charlie, We do.

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