Monday, October 5, 2020


 Lord Jesus I praise you

I exalt your name to the highest

For you are my





Without you I have no life

Without you I would whither and die

Like a plant without water


Show me your mercy Lord

For I am human

Therefore I am imperfect

I need your love and grace

More than I need anything else in this world


I strive to be holy Lord

Everyday I try to walk your path

I know I have fallen short

I know I have stumbled

The more I try to be like you

The more the world tries to pull me in


I need you to help me escape this world and it’s ways

So I can truly be free

I need you Lord

I need you more than I’ve needed anything else before

You are the giver of life

You are the keeper of life

Without you all is dead


Help me learn your wisdom

So I may not fall pray to those who try to trap me

Grant me courage

That I may take on this journey

That I may take each trial and hardship

That I may turn them into

Moments of growth

Moments of strength

Moments of true enlightenment

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