Monday, November 29, 2021


 You are the light in my darkest times

Guiding my heart and soul with your love

You are strength  when I am weak

Helping me move forward

When life seems to hard

You are the river of life

That quenches my thirst 

When I am dry

You are my food

Your love fills me up and re-energizes my soul

When I am at my lowest

Just the thought of you

Brings me from the pit

When I feel lost

You find me and bring me back

Hug forever

 I could hug you forever 

Just to hold you in a warm embrace 

Squeezing you tight

Making l you problems run away

I could hold you forever 

Just letting time slip away

While we hold each other tight

Letting our cates go away

Saturday, November 27, 2021

Game of Shots

 First Man at the bar:  Tony I challenge you to a game of shots.

Second man at the bar:  Sorry sir, I don't do drinking games any more.

First Man at the bar: Why, you chicken?

Second man at the bar:  No sir, you're still young, so you may not understand.   But there is a madness to it.  A lunatic wide-eyed craziness that overtakes your mind, heart and soul,  A bottomless pit hollowness that can never be filled.   So you keep playing, letting the madness control you, letting the desire to out drink everyone consume you.  You fall, and fall, deeper and deeper into a hell that spins out of control.  You loose everything in the downfall.  That sir is why I don't play those drinking games anymore

Tuesday, November 23, 2021

9 years old


I buried you beneath the snow
Though only 9 years old
My daughter
My princess
After your mom left us with that other man
You were all I had left

Tears run down my face
As I put you in your final resting place
Beneath the elm tree with the tire swing
You'd play on all summer long

After your mom left
I started to date
Put you were the one I'd listen to
When I wanted to see how they rate
Only the best could help raise you
And you helped me keep that true

A new mom
You will never see
For at 9 I now bury thee
Cancer was to much for you to bare

May God take your soul
And guide it home
I hope to see you again when I get there

Sunday, November 21, 2021

The Monsters

 Daddy no, don't touch me there

The liitle girl of five years old cries out

His daughter

His own flesh and blood

He slaps her everytime she tries to fight back

He puts his thing inside her again and agaim

grinning with every scream that pours from her 

Black and blue the bruises get worse

As blood flows from her nose

A lot for one to endure

when you're only five years old

No mommy, don't touch me there

The little boy of five years old ctres out

Her son

Her own flesh and blood

The boy is slapped everytime he tries to fight back

She touches his thing again and again

Grinning with every scream that pours from his mouth

Black and blue the bruises get worse

blood flows from his nose

a lot to endure

when you're only five years old

Race night


Friday night
Race night
Time to get in gear
Put your game face on
Show them you have no fear

The engine roar
The crowd cheers
The energy is your thrust
That flag drops
Watch the flying dust

Put the tailgate up and the hammer down
Drive it as fast as it will go
Gotta win this race
Gotta take that trophy home
Put the tailgate up and the hammer down
Leave the rest in the dust
Zooming at fast speeds
Feeling all that thrust

Friday, November 19, 2021

I die

 I die everyday

Through my poetry

My words spill onto the screen 

Like blood from my own veins 

And they keep flowing until my veins run dry

And this body flops onto the desk

But with the last word said

This dead body awakes

To carry on another day

Sunday, November 14, 2021

Outside Christianity looking in


When I die
I want to be sure and go to Heaven
I've been told Jesus is the way

I want to be a Christian
So many denominations
So many choices
They all say the speak the truth
Whose version of the truth is correct

I want to get to Heaven
So I must pick wisely
Which one.
Which path to fallow

And of that wasn't enough of a choice to make
Look at all these Bible interpretation.
So many of those to choose from
They all say the same thing
Just in different ways
Which do I go with
Which is correct

The Lone Cucumber


Look out outlaws of the fridge,  there's a mew law in town. The "Lone Cucumber"  rides with his faithful companion "Tomato" .  Together they ride, finding spoiled food to bring to justice.   "Hi-ho celerystalk away"

Saturday, November 13, 2021

The question


To pizza or not to pizza. That is the question.  Rather it is nobler to face the intestinal gas and bloating, for the tasty goodness.  Or to play if safe and eat something else



Your skin as soft as silk
Your breath as sweet as a rose
Your eyes dark and knowing
A window into your soul

Friday, November 12, 2021

Chocolate fix


Fudgey bubbles
Fires burn
Milk begins to bubble
Time has come to pour in the mix
Now to get our chocolate fix

Tuesday, November 9, 2021

Tongue Lashing

 Tongue lashing

Tongue bashing

Time and time again 

Over and over

Lashing and bash my

Skin, heart, and soul

I am not good enough

I am not good enough

I am not good enough

That's all I ever hear from you

You rip and tear 

Your poor child apart

To bad you don't realize 

What your doing to my heart

Your voice


Stand up for what you believe in
Stand up and sound the call
Raise your voice
Let it be heard

The world tries to shut you up
The world tries to dumb you down
Stand tall
Stand strong
Don't let the world push you around

Speak out against injustice
Speak out against the tyranny
Speak for those who cannot

Raise your voice
Raise it high
Don't ever let it be denied

Monday, November 8, 2021

I could hug you for all eternity

 I could hug you for all eternity 

Just to hold you close
So you never feel alone

I could hug you for all eternity
To take away the pain
So you wouldn't go insane

I know the world can be tough now and then
I am hear to help when I can.
The world is dark
Let's shine some light
Together we can make it right

I could hug you for all eternity
To never let you go
To never be lost in the shadows
To know the light of kindness once more

I could hug you for all eternity
Your gentle touch
Lighting the darkness within me

I know the world can be tough now and then
I am hear to help when I can.
The world is dark
Let's shine some light
Together we can make it right

Sunday, November 7, 2021

The choice


How do I make you see
how much I live you
How do I make you see
how much I care

I can't
I can only reveal to you
What is in my heart
You must make the choice from there
I can't make it for you

My heart beats with the love I have for you
Every second
Every minute
Every hour
You are on my mind and thoughts

The rythm of my life is set to you
When I wake in the morning
When I go through my day
When I go to bed at night
You are there
Always at the front of my mind

Never to be lost
Never to be lost

I have laid out my heart to you.
I have laid out my soul
The choice is now yours
To be mine
Or to let me go

That choice is yours to make
I can't make it for you

Friday, November 5, 2021



I am a traveler of the world
A drifter
Aimless wonderer
I have been called all these
I have also been called much worse

I am not homeless
The world is my home
I travel from town to town
Helping out where I can
Taking odd jobs

Some people stay away
Keeping their distance  from me
I make friends everywhere I go

I always have a story to tell
Stories about my journey
Sometimes I thrill people with stories about
Magical lands
Science fiction
Or whatever type of tell they wish to hear

When my time is up
And my work done in that town
I pack up and move on

Onward to another adventure
Onward to where I am needed

I am not homeless
The world is my home



While taking a nap yesterday afternoon.   I had a day dream.   I had just finished fixing lunch ( a simple ham sandwich and chips)  when the crew from Food Network's "Dinners, Drive-ins, and Dives" bursts through my front door and sets up their cameras.  Guy walks up to me and we start talking about my lunch.  After a few minutes Guy picks up my lunch ( plate and all) and leaves my house.  The camera crew packs up and leaves as well.  I am left standing at the table with no lunch and the only thought in my mind is " What the hell was that?"


 I had a dream last night.   I was on the Food Network show "Chopped" but instead of food in the baskets.   There were phrases, and words.  Each contestant was then given 30 minutes to write a poem using what they found in their baskets.   After 30 minutes each contestant presented what they wrote.   One would be eliminated.   This would go on until their would be just one contestant left.  Thus making them the winner.

Wednesday, November 3, 2021

I am patriotic 

 I am patriotic 

But I won't throw it in your face

Demanding you believe what I believe 

Waving my small American flag

Shouting at the top of my voice 

Denouncing everyone who disagrees with me

I am patriotic 

I respect all people 

All nationalities 

All opinions 

I am patriotic 

But I realize there is more to this country than just Americans

Everyone nation with ideas 

Every people with unique flavors and styles 

Yes, I am patriotic 

May dad

Both my Grandfathers 

Several uncles, and cousins 

Have all served in the military 

Some still serving

I stand with them as I always have

As I always will

Yes, I am Patriotic 

But this country is very diverse 

I respect everyone




All praise to you I give

For this life

You have given me

Jesus My Lord


I'm gonna praise you

I'm gonna sing

I'm gonna lift up your holy name

You have saved me

From death and the grave

Jesus my Lord

Pictures of the cows


Computer art


Adult coloring pages (didn't sraw them, just filled them in)


Tuesday, November 2, 2021

Poetry is my way to express myself


Poetry is my way to express myself
My pain
My tears
My joy
My laughter
Poetry is my emotional outlet

Poetry is my way to express myself
My opinion on society and social issues
My opinion on the Government

Poetry is my way to express myself
To bring awareness to
Domestic violence
The poor and needy
Drug addiction

Poetry is my way to express myself
Poetry is my life

I may say I'm ok

 I may say I'm OK

Bit in truth 

I am dying inside

I may say I'm OK

But in truth

I am lost and afraid

Just because I say I'm OK

Doesn't mean that I am 

I may not have words to describe my true feelings 

I may say I'm OK

That I feel on top of the world

But in truth

Be falling into an emotional pit

I may say I'm OK

That I'm the strongest I've ever been

But in truth

Be emotionally weak and scared

Just because I say I'm OK

Doesn't mean that I am 

I may not have words to describe my true feelings 

I love this bar


I love this bar
The music
The people
Put a smile on my face

Never leave hungry
The food is great
The drinks are better 
Than at any other place

The staff is friendly
And serve you with care
You're just a part of the family
Each time you go there

A pool table in back
A dartboard to
Always something being added
So you'll always have something to do

Sit at the bar
And have a good time
Sit in one of the booths
That will be fine

I love this bar
It never closes
Open 24/7
365 days a year

Monday, November 1, 2021

Wedding day

 From the day we met

Until our wedding day

Each and every moment 

You take my breath away

Now upon this day

We stand hand in hand

In front of friends and family 

Exchanging vows

Started our lives on a new path

Together we will journey 

Life's road together

Rejoicing at Life's joy

Drawing strength from each other

In Life's pain an trials 

Together we stand

Hand in hand

Heart in heart

Life brought us together 

May life never tear us apart

Space cat

  there was a little cat of the furry sort and he used to dream he was an astronaut climbing in his rocket heading to the stars landing down...