Sunday, November 7, 2021

The choice


How do I make you see
how much I live you
How do I make you see
how much I care

I can't
I can only reveal to you
What is in my heart
You must make the choice from there
I can't make it for you

My heart beats with the love I have for you
Every second
Every minute
Every hour
You are on my mind and thoughts

The rythm of my life is set to you
When I wake in the morning
When I go through my day
When I go to bed at night
You are there
Always at the front of my mind

Never to be lost
Never to be lost

I have laid out my heart to you.
I have laid out my soul
The choice is now yours
To be mine
Or to let me go

That choice is yours to make
I can't make it for you

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