Friday, November 5, 2021



I am a traveler of the world
A drifter
Aimless wonderer
I have been called all these
I have also been called much worse

I am not homeless
The world is my home
I travel from town to town
Helping out where I can
Taking odd jobs

Some people stay away
Keeping their distance  from me
I make friends everywhere I go

I always have a story to tell
Stories about my journey
Sometimes I thrill people with stories about
Magical lands
Science fiction
Or whatever type of tell they wish to hear

When my time is up
And my work done in that town
I pack up and move on

Onward to another adventure
Onward to where I am needed

I am not homeless
The world is my home

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  Sunflowers in the field Standing tall Standing still Like guards keeping watch Over the farm And it's flock