Sleep upon the balcony of the moon
The blanket of the stars wrapped around you
Your pillow made from a cloud
As you sleep
As you dream
Be at peace
Be at one with Yourself and the universe
Be happy
Sweet dreams
Writing poetry and short stories to let people take a peek inside my mind. I also do videos, take pictures, and like to cook and share tips on cooking
Sleep upon the balcony of the moon
The blanket of the stars wrapped around you
Your pillow made from a cloud
As you sleep
As you dream
Be at peace
Be at one with Yourself and the universe
Be happy
Sweet dreams
The world is a beautiful place
Full of wonder
Ful of grace
Splendor and majesty
Like the mountains high
Or the Valles low
The depth of the ocean
The sun and the moon
The stars in heaven twinkle in the might sky
Campfires blaze
The woods alive with campers and wildlife
National parks
State parks
All show off Nature's beautiful
How I loved her and still do
But I was young and stupid
She showed her love
I showed mine
I thought all was fine
Somewhere I missed something
I buried myself in my work
I loved her
She knew that
But in trying to build a life for us
I failed to build a life with us
As time went on
We grew further apart
Though we still loved each other in our hearts
Something had changed
Somewhere down the line
I think you stopped liking each other
When one day she told me she was leaving
It was no surprise
She left
Now I am alone
Stuck between two musical notes
Helping to keep the beat
I sence that I am unwanted here
For my fellow notes
Keep chasing me down the line
If I drop to a lower line
Or climb to a higher one
They follow me and chase me even more
However I soon learn
The chasing holds a purpose
For when the chase is done
And we assembled back on the righting
Between the notes
I take a look around
And notice the whole page
Had been filled where we were
Musical notes were planted
A Musical performance was born
Rise in the morning
Breakfast in bed
For my sweet
My love
Peace to
My heart
You bring me
Hope I bring peace
To you as well love
Ran away
Run away
Ran even more
Emotionally torn
Physical scars
Tears rush down his face
He had to get out
Out of that place
Away from those thar were supposed to love him
Turns out all they wanted was to play games
The kind now loving parent or sibling should play
If you refused to play you were beat
And beat bad
Blood flowed
Tears poured out
The salt stings in your wounds
Still they beat you into submission
Then when finished
Left you in a bleeding heep on the floor
So, yes he Ran away
To start a new life
To get away
To survive
Excitement and fun
Games, rides, and food
homemade crafts
Music all round you from street performers and live bands
The magic of the sights that ignite the child within
The wonder of it all as you try to take it all in
Water rises
Water wants to drown me
It shall not
The world rises
The world wants to destroy me
It shall not
I rise
I fall
I get up again and move on
A tidal wave won't keep me down
Nor will the criticism of this world
The war was hard
It destroyed it all
The few left in the world live on
Mostly Scavengers, hunters, or thrives
Just trying to survive And rebuild
As I wonder I stop and write
On notebooks or scraps of paper I find
Little notes, poems, or jokes
Those that remember life before the war
Travel from town to town
Spinning tales for those to hear
Though few we are
Some of us still remember
Happy days
Groovy days
Before the collapse of it all
The economic downfall
Then the war
Every state for themselves
Then invading nations attack
An already torn country
Do we stop our fighting
To rally against a foreign foe
Not at all
So Each state was attacking ever other state
As well as the foreign invaders
The fighting
The invading foreigners
The economic downfall
It all piled up
And destroyed everything
Old life gone
Trying to hang on
As we adapt to the way it is
There's a flame in my soul for you Lord
There's a flame in my soul for you Lord
There's aflame that burns bright
Making day out of night
There's a flame in my soul for you Lord
My hear beats to the rhythm of your grace
My heart beats to the rhythm of your grace
That rhythm is the song
That keeps me moving on
My heart beats to the rhythm of your grace
There's a way through the darkness of life
There's a way through the darkness of life
Lord show your light
Let it shine oh so bright
There's a way through the darkness of life
Casey Kasem
That unmistakable voice coming over the radio
Top 10
Top 20
He let you know the number one hit of the week
Casey Kasem
The sound of his voice
Calming and smooth
Put you at ease
While the music
Put you in the mood
Dark angel
Full of malice and spite
Fallen from Heaven
With its shores so bright
Dark angel
Trouble and turmoil
Beauty you show
Dark angel
You lure them in with your looks
Then snap the trap
To cause them to lose their soul
Clenching them into eternal damnation
Eternally trapping them in Hell
Peace I wish for you
As you journey through life today
Even if that journey grows rough
May you not stray
Peace I wish for you
And with that joy
May you have a great day
Until the moon rises once more
It's late in the day
Dinner will be ready soon
My homework is still not done
From the time I get home from school
I come straight to my room
Sit at my desk and my homework begun
I would like to go out and play
But my homework takes all the daylight
Why must thEy send us home with so much to do
We only get so much time to ve a kid
We need to enjoy it while we can
Hit the books until dinner time
Go down eat
Then back up and hit the books until bed
Society how you have lied to so many
Telling them to hate themselves
For one reason or another
Preying on the
Weak minded
Self absorbed
Ego driven
Or even the insecure
Society with your labeling
You do more damage than you know
Waves come in
Waves go out
As I walk the sandy shore
A seashell here
A crab there
Adventure to explore
Miles and miles of shoreline
Explore every inch
Never know what I'll find
Treasure to be found
On the beach
And all around
Walk through the flower tunnel
Beauty of the growing garden
Sweet scent in the air
Walk through the flower tunnel
Be absolutely at peace
Let the world slip by
Just be at ease
Walk through the flower tunnel
Walk through the flower tunnel
Peace is in the air
Deep in the forest
Where few humans dare to tread
There is a secret spot
Where the animals come out to play
Laughing and dancing
Having all kinds of fun
Playing forest games
Without the fear of a human's gun
Elves and Dwarves
Fairies and Sprites
Join in the fun
Lasting all day
And all night
Travel life's journey
Travel it to the end
It will be worth it
Not all days will be sunny
There will be some rainy skies
Beyond life's struggle
Is where the treasure lies
Rest upon the balcony of the moon
Dream of peace and love
Wrap yourself with a blanket in the clouds
May the stars watch over you
As you Slumber my love
Put the top down
Sunglasses on
Wind through your hair
The mother road calls
Got to answer
Adventure out there
My friends and I drive
From Chicago to L.A.
On old route 66
Much history to see along the way
Depression takes flight
A little one alone
No one loves this poor little soul
No one cares
Ran away from home
Ran from domestic abuse
Captured by thugs
locked in a cell
Physically molested
Mentally molested
Emotionally molested
By the thugs
Overflowing bookshelves in the hall
Books piled high in the livingroom
No place to sleep
Books have taken over there to
Don't open a window
They might spill out
I love Books if you can't tell
Kitchen full of Books
Dinningroom full of books
Even the bathroom
Wnd the garage
Cars must park in the drive
No place for them
Buy more books
I say with a grin
Books stacked to the ceiling
Piled along the wall
Overflowing bookshelves
Books for one and all
Thick Books
Thin Books
Tiny Books
Or quite large
Books on every subject
So take a look
Your interest isn't far
Sleep in comfort and peace
Dream of adventure in far off places
Sleep in tranquility
Peace out
The captain said
Dragons to slay
Maidens to save
Battles to fight to conquer lands
Expand the kingdom
Or at least that's the plan
Off to battle
Some don't return
Raise a mug in their honor afterward
They bravely fought
Their skills put to the test
They gave the ultimate sacrifice
May their souls find rest
Off to battle
The king demands
Conquer the foe
Expand the land
Through blood, sweat, and dragon fire
there was a little cat of the furry sort and he used to dream he was an astronaut climbing in his rocket heading to the stars landing down...