Wednesday, April 10, 2024

Hell truck


Down the roads of Hell

It roars like a mighty beast

Driven by the Grimm Reaper 

Fueled by the lost souls He collects

The roar of the engine 

Can be heard on the surface 

While it thunders down the highways of Hell

To most the sound is unknown 


To those about to meet its driver

It is the sound of a tortured eternity 

For the souls that fuel it can be heard screaming in their ears

When the Reaper reaches the right spot

He leaves the truck parked in Hell

With a lantern in hand he exists the truck

And in a cloud of smoke asends from Hell

To meet his next victim

Once he extracts their soul

And has captured it in the lantern 

He depends back into the abyss

Adds the soul to the others that fuel his truck

And drive to his next destination 

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