Saturday, April 20, 2024

The agents


"Well did you get the information you needed?" He asked his follow agent. 

"No" came the reply as they got into the car.  "I know the owner of that store is hiding something. "  the agent added.

After driving for a few moments 

The driver of the car suggests they get something to eat

They stop at a diner just off the main road

They go inside and order

"What makes you think he's hiding something?"

"I don't know, just call it a hunch."

"You think it might have to do with the murder?

"You, mean the murder of Barney the dinosaur,  haven't thought about that case in years.

Just then the waitress brings the food and they eat

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  Sunflowers in the field Standing tall Standing still Like guards keeping watch Over the farm And it's flock