Tuesday, December 19, 2017

I Love You

I can say I need you
 I can say I care
 I can say I’ll listen and that I’ll always be there
I can say I want you and that I’ll always be true
but I wish I could just say I love you

I can say you’re beautiful and complement you in every way
I can say without you my life is worthless and beg you to stay
Yes I can say all these things to you
but I wish I could just say I love you

Three little words that’s all they are
but when I’m with you they seem so far
I can recite you a poem to tell you how I feel
I can give you a kiss at the top of a Ferris wheel
 I can do all these things for you,

but why can’t I just say I love you

What Is Real

The prisoner is real and not just those in jail
We are all prisoners of our past, society, and of our own ambitions
 The gunslinger is real not just those of the old west
A gunslinger could be police, fire, rescue, military, or any person who sticks their neck out for the protection of another
 The person in shadows is real
That side of our personality that makes it feel so good to do the wrong thing
What is real
The human condition that is real


As the world keeps spinning round
I let out a lonesome mournful cry
Though I cry loud as can be
I see no one has heard my scream
It hurts me so to think no one cares
For as I look there is no one there
Through the pain and through the hurt
The world has rubbed my face in the dirt
I know it all looks bleak for me
That is just life you see
For my life is a troubled one

So I fight always as I go along


I stand before the world
Laying bare the very foundation that makes up my life
For all the world to see
I hold nothing back

All my scars
Testimonies of life itself
Life lived to the fullest
Scars from surgeries
Scars from wounds
Scars of life

My body is an open book
Of life truly lived
Come read the pages
Come learn the lessons life has taught me

I stand before the world
My body a testimony of a life well lived
Every cut
Every wound
A page in that great text
Come learn the lessons life has taught me
Come enrich your own live

My life is an open book
Come read the pages
Learn from my knowledge
Prepare yourself for the road ahead
To prepare for the road ahead

I stand before the world
The emotional dam within me bursts
Water flows from my eyes
As I remember
Loved ones lost
Friendships both good and bad
Relationships gone bad
Missed opportunities

My Amazing Friend

You have a sweet soul,
And a mind so strong,
I love that you never,
Tell me I'm wrong.

You give me advice,
Listen to my fears,
Help me with decisions,
And quiet my tears.

You have been a great friend,
Though you don't know me well,
I trust you, my Darlin,
That my Secrets you won't tell.

You don't judge my mistakes,
And you help me feel normal,
I can tell you anything,
You're my human journal.

I'm glad we started talking,
I love getting to know you,
You're an amazing person,
I hope you know that too.

You're such a special soul,
And I just can't get enough,
You always make me laugh,
Even when life life is rough.

I'm sorry if I bother you,
If I message you too much,
But know that I care for you,
And I love when our hands touch.

You are perfectly, incredibly amazing,
And I say exactly what I mean,
There's not many people like you,

You're every person's dream.


Let's go fishing in
The lake and catch a big fish
Let's go fishing in
The lake rod and reel in hand
Have fish for dinner tonight


The sins of the past
Have caught up at last
To haunt me again
To make my world spin
I am sorry for all I have done
I have fought this battle
Until I have won
As for the sins of my past

I hope they can be destroyed at last


Up into
The higher limbs
Try to reach the sky
Climbing down tree
Toward the ground
Back on

It's a picnic

It's a picnic
Potato salad
It's a picnic
Blankets on the ground
Frinds and family gatheed round

This day is perfect
I'm glad we desided to dine outside
Boy, all this food looks fine
Not a cloud in the sky

It's a picnic
May joy resound
Fun with family and friends

May love and laughter abound

Blessed (Bible Study)

Luke 6:22-23

Jesus said Count yourself blessed evertime someone throws you out or cuts you down, every time someone smrars or blackens your name to discredit me.  It means that the truth is to close and that person is uncomfortable.  You can be glad when that happen, for even if they don't like it I do.  All heaven applauds.  Know that you are in good company, my preachers and witnesses have all been treated like this

Poetry Is

Poetry is my life
My emotional outlet
So I don't explode

Poetry is a passion
A love of words
A love of life

Poetry is who I am
It flows through my blood
It resounds through my speach

Poetry is the fire of life
That warms the heart
That warms the soul

Poetry is a comfort
In the harsh and dark times
Poetry is light

Poetry is truth
True emotions

True passion

Ice Cream Sundae

Ice cream sundae
Ice cream sundae
Piled high
To the sky

A flavor mountain
Of tasty goodness
Ice cream
Hot fudge
Carmel syrup
Whipped cream

Ice cream sundae
Ice cream sundae
A flavor orgy
in your mouth

Time for joy

Merry Christmas
Christnas Merry
Time for joy
Time for family
Time with friends
Time for togetherness
Once again

Time to celebrate what matters most

Time to reflect and rejoice


Jesus Christ you are my savior
I will always praise your name
You guide me through life's darkness
You help me ease life's pain
You help to warm me in the winter
Of life's bitter chill
You strengthen my weary spirit
To climb life's tallest hill

When The Work Is Done

When the work is done at the end of the day
Time to unwind time to play
Pull out the grill and light it up
Sit on the porch and chat a lot

When the work is done at the end of the day
Let’s go fishing at the lake
Let’s catch a fish of mighty size
Let’s fry it up to hungry eyes

When the work is done at the end of the day
I’ll rejoice in every way
I’ve given it all I had

When the wok is done at the end of the day
Time to enjoy life in every way
Time for games to play

When the work is done at the end of the day

Winter fun

Ice skating on the pond snowball fights sledding downhill


Voices have come in
From the past
Voices have come to haunt me
Voices from yesterday
Voices from some faces
I can’t even name

Words of discouragement
Words of hatred
Words of evil
Words of dread

When I say I love you

When I say I love you
I mean it with all my
I love you more than my life itself


The doors of hell have opened
From which come forth the most terrifying thing of all
A glimpse at my own soul
Black and greasy
Sin corrupted
It is not a pretty sight
Blood pours from every opening
Just the sight of it sickens me
For it is my soul
For it is my hell


With my hands
I have created
I have destroyed
I have built up worlds
I have let those worlds fall

My hands have created worlds
like none ever seen before
Like none that will ever be seen again
Worlds of such purity and joy
Worlds of such comfort
My hands are the  master’s hands

For the master works through me
So all things can be fulfilled
So all things can be set right
So all things can be at peace

Through my hands the master has demonstrated

Space cat

  there was a little cat of the furry sort and he used to dream he was an astronaut climbing in his rocket heading to the stars landing down...