Tuesday, December 19, 2017


Your love
Warms this heart of stone cold ice
As the ice begins to fall
As my blood begins to thaw
Lost feelings begin to form once more
Feelings of
These feelings so true to life
So helpful in such strife
Feelings lost within a ton of snow
Your love has caused them to flow

Your love
Speaks the secrets of life to me
Each little bit a joy in itself
The joy of life
The pain of life
Both become known to me
Not just known however
They are engraved upon
My heart
My mind
My soul
I take that knowledge
I use it to better mankind

Your love
Is the most beautiful thing in the world
It is every man’s desire

Your beauty
Your heart
Your soul
Your mind
there is nothing upon this world
No, within the entire cosmos
That even comes close in comparison

Your love is one of a kind
I am glad you are sharing it with me

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