Tuesday, December 19, 2017

My Amazing Friend

You have a sweet soul,
And a mind so strong,
I love that you never,
Tell me I'm wrong.

You give me advice,
Listen to my fears,
Help me with decisions,
And quiet my tears.

You have been a great friend,
Though you don't know me well,
I trust you, my Darlin,
That my Secrets you won't tell.

You don't judge my mistakes,
And you help me feel normal,
I can tell you anything,
You're my human journal.

I'm glad we started talking,
I love getting to know you,
You're an amazing person,
I hope you know that too.

You're such a special soul,
And I just can't get enough,
You always make me laugh,
Even when life life is rough.

I'm sorry if I bother you,
If I message you too much,
But know that I care for you,
And I love when our hands touch.

You are perfectly, incredibly amazing,
And I say exactly what I mean,
There's not many people like you,

You're every person's dream.

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Space cat

  there was a little cat of the furry sort and he used to dream he was an astronaut climbing in his rocket heading to the stars landing down...