Tuesday, December 19, 2017

In the Final Days (Humor)

In the final days....

1.)  All Mimes around the world will gain the ability to speak, and still no one will care

2.)  All world leaders will gather at a campground, gather around a campfire, hold hands, and sing the theme to “The Beverly Hillbillies”

3.)  Ten thousand monkeys will form a giant conga line and dance across America

4.)  All cats around the world will start to Tango, while all long legged birds around the world will start to Can-Can

5.)  All the world’s military leaders will gather at a campground, gather around a campfire, hold hands, and sing the theme to “The Brady Bunch”

6.)  We will finally make contacted with life from outer space; the message will be translated as “You’re where?”

7.)  1,000 Apes will sing the theme to “George of the Jungle”

8.)  Cars will fly and be powered by Egg Yokes

9.)  All people will fall to their knees, and there will be much colorful language

10.) We will finally make contact with life from outer space, and NASA, will respond by saying “See, we told you we’d find something”

11.) All people around the world will converge at one spot, and for no reason start baking chocolate chip cookies

12.)  There will be no drugs; everyone will get high on cookie dough

13.)  There will finally be an answer to the question “Is the glass half empty or half full”

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Space cat

  there was a little cat of the furry sort and he used to dream he was an astronaut climbing in his rocket heading to the stars landing down...