Thursday, March 8, 2018

Childhood Memories

Riding on the tailgate of the pickup dragging a stick cuting grooves in the dirt road
Jumping off the tailgate running behind the truck then jumping back on
Walking through the dry creek bed looking for rocks
Splashing in mud puddels
Finding turtles under haybails
Just walking through the field exploring

I could go on and on
Childhood in the country
Is the best childhood to have

The Mask

Take off the mask
See with your eyes
I am who I am
Nothing more nothing less
I give all that I can

Take off the mask
See with your own eyes
I am only a man
I try and I try
To do my best
I make mistakes
Forgive me please


Is the
Heart that
Truly cares for


Your eyes shine
Like great gems


Feeling the light
Ignited and
Ready to go


Hiking the trail within the mountains
Steep hills, waterfalls, wildlife
Much to see on the way

The Wolf

He slowly approaches his prey
Ears perked
Eyes focused
The time is now
He has chased it through the woods
Four feet pounding
Heart racing
The wolf knows it has won
The prey has fallen
The wolf moves in


Jill our sweet little darling
Your mother and I are so proud
Of all you have accomplished in your life so far
Class president
President of our local FFA chapter
Winning that poetry contest your freshmen year
Having your poem published in the paper

Now I your father
Will walk you down the isle
On your wedding day tomorrow
You have grown up
I still see that little girl who
Climbed trees
Played in the mud
Played with dolls
Wanted a piggy back ride

Jill as you start your new life
With your husband
As you grow your own family
Your mother and I love you very much
If there is ever anything
You all need
We will always be here to help

May the road ever streatch onward for you both
May the bumps in that road
Make your marriage stronger

I Love A Good Book

I love a good book
Escape from the world around
To be drawn from the real world
And travel to another

Raise your voice

Raise your voice
Raise it high
Peace to the world
Let's give it a try


Ring the bells
Sing songs
Play the flute
Bang the gong
Merry Christmas
Merry Christmas
May there be


Paid the
Price for our
Sins upon the


Is a way
Of life that grows
In your


When I’m in the in the shower
 I feel truly at peace
The stress and trouble of the day
Washed with the dirt and the grime
Forever down the drain


As I sit here once again
Emotions pouring from my pen
I writ so all can see
My life in all honesty

All my trials
All my strife
Is just part of what maps life
To overcome
To learn the lessions they have
Make me stronger and wiser

All my joys
All my love
Like the glorious sun above
Shinning bright for all to see
Enjoy the comfort
Enjoy the peace

As I sit here once again
Emotions pouring from my pen
I writ so all can see
My life in all honesty

I Love You

I love you


Love with
All my heart

My one and only
My true passion
My true love

I love you
I will never forget you
Though we have parted
You will always be on my

I love you now
As I loved you then

You have never left my thoughts
Nor will you ever


Remove the dead and dying parts within you
Remove that which is holding you back
Throw off the chains
Throw off the shackels
Be free

Rise above
Be all that you can be
Reach new, greater and brighter hieghts

Remove the chains
Set yourself free
Break though the roadblocks in your path

Free yourself
Become the best you can
Free yourself

Releash yourself from the bonds of defeat and dispair
Releash yourself from the ghosts of the past
Releash yourself to
To achieve


Gather with me in the spring
The renewal of the Earth
The renewal of our bodies
The renewal of our spirits

Garther with me
To breathe inthe fresh
And re-energizing life
That is Spring

Gather with me
Among the wheatfields
As the dance upon the breeze
With the wheat
Become one nature

Gather with me
Barefoot upon the grass
Feel nature between your toes

Let the life force
Move you
Bathe you
Remake you


Man's best
Friend loyal
To the end and

Rainbow Of Peace

Know the peace
Of the world is


Poetry is a way of being
It is who we are
It flows through our vienes
It flows through our marrow
It drips from our savage teeth


Christ is born
Honor and glory is his
Redemption for our souls
Intense love in human form
The promie born in a
Manger full of
Sing praises to God

When Christians get it right (Holy Teaching)

When Christians get it right
They love and give and work for justice
Addminister kindness
When Christians get it right
They, like Jesus, befriend those outside the church
Rather than condem them. 
When Chrtstians get it right
People are drawn to
Rather than repelled by their faith

Persecution (Bible study)

Matthew 5:10-12
 “You’re blessed when your commitment to God provokes persecution. The persecution drives you even deeper into God’s kingdom.
 “Not only that—count yourselves blessed every time people put you down or throw you out or speak lies about you to discredit me. What it means is that the truth is too close for comfort and they are uncomfortable. You can be glad when that happens—give a cheer, even!—for though they don’t like it, I do! And all heaven applauds. And know that you are in good company. My prophets and witnesses have always gotten into this kind of trouble.

Monday, March 5, 2018


I work dawn till dusk
In the sun and in the rain
Hauling hay on truck
Tending to cows in the barn
Fixing fence where they got out

Space cat

  there was a little cat of the furry sort and he used to dream he was an astronaut climbing in his rocket heading to the stars landing down...