Thursday, March 1, 2018

The Loan Shark (Short Story)

"George", The Loan shark said, "I have bound you, gagged you, and brought you here to this abandoned warehouse in the trunk of my car." "Now Gorge I will take off the rag out of your mouth and ask you a simple question."  "Where is my mony George?"  "Go to Hell."  George hissed.  Alright George we are going to play a game called Russian Roulette, You Know that game George right."  George nodded.  "Here is how we are going to play.  as you can see I have a six shooter in my hand.  As I have opened the chamber and am holding the gun upside down you can see none of the chambers are loaded.  Now I am going to load one bullet into the chamber, close it, spin the chambers, and point it at you."  Now George, Where is the money?"  "Go to hell." Gorge Hissed. Click.  "Let's make this a little more fun."  "I am going to add another bullet to one of the other chambers, close it, spin it , and point it at you once more."  "Now George, Where is my money?"  "Go to hell"  George hissed.  Click.  "I am going to add another bullet to one of the other chambers, close it, spin it , and point it at you once more."  "Now George, Where is my money?"  "Go to Hell."  George hissed.  Bang "Sorry George your luck ran out, and look O foud the 600 dollars you owed me in your wallet."  With that the loan shark untied the body and stuffed it in the trunk of his car to be desposed of later then went back to clean up so there would be no sign that he had ever been there.

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