Monday, March 5, 2018

Cross (Bible Study)

Luke 9:23 Jesus said “If anyone is to come after me, he must deny himself, take up his cross daily, and follow me.
Why deny yourself?  This world is a very sad place, selfishness seems to run the land.  However Jesus is asking you not to be selfish, he is asking you to think of others and to follow in his example.  Jesus did not perform mericals to make him famous, he did them because someone asked for his help, Jesus did not die on the cross for his own glory, but for the salvation of all humankind, Jesus did not rise from the grave for his own life, but for the lives of all who believe.  Jesus did not return to his father in Heaven and thought of us never again, he went to prepare a place for all his followers, so we all might live is his awesome glory and grace forever and ever.
The point is Jesus never did these things for himself, but for all around him.  Likewise we are to stop this selfish pride in ourselves, and open up to the Joy of helping others.  Then are we truly followers of Jesus Christ.

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