Thursday, March 8, 2018


Jill our sweet little darling
Your mother and I are so proud
Of all you have accomplished in your life so far
Class president
President of our local FFA chapter
Winning that poetry contest your freshmen year
Having your poem published in the paper

Now I your father
Will walk you down the isle
On your wedding day tomorrow
You have grown up
I still see that little girl who
Climbed trees
Played in the mud
Played with dolls
Wanted a piggy back ride

Jill as you start your new life
With your husband
As you grow your own family
Your mother and I love you very much
If there is ever anything
You all need
We will always be here to help

May the road ever streatch onward for you both
May the bumps in that road
Make your marriage stronger

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  Sunflowers in the field Standing tall Standing still Like guards keeping watch Over the farm And it's flock